This Changes Everything by Jennifer Ashley Page 0,36

you. Besides, if you leave town, he’ll be impossible to live with.”

Laughter ripples. The whole room watches me, avid, waiting for my answer. Ben, Austin, and Ryan are grinning at me, encouraging. They don’t look at all unhappy that Zach wants me on board.

I’m put on the spot, but on the other hand, Zach is handing me something wonderful.

“But wait, there’s more.” Zach sets down his bottle of beer. “Hold off on that decision, Abby, until you hear my next question.”

He leaves his place and walks down the table to me, scooting around the guests until he’s standing next to me.

Then he goes down on one knee. He takes out a little velvet box, which he opens to reveal a ring with a lovely diamond glittering against white satin.

“Abby Warren,” he says, studying me with fine blue eyes that have gazed down at me in the night. “Will you marry me?”

Now the room holds its breath. I do too. If I breathe, I’ll start hyperventilating or something, making a serious fool of myself.

Zach’s brow puckers as the silence stretches. “Just to be clear—the job offer isn’t contingent on this. You’ll mostly be working with my mom anyway, and you can telecommute if you want. You never even have to see me.”

He smooths out his face, his gorgeous face, and gazes at me alone. The room and the guests fade. As when we’d danced at the wedding reception, it’s Zach and me, by ourselves, the rest of the world inconsequential. I know he’s speaking directly from his heart—to mine.

“I love you, Abs,” he whispers. “Whether you stay or go, whether you say yes or no, I love you. I gotta be honest and tell you that.”

“Well, that’s good,” I whisper back. “Because I love you.”

Great Aunt Mary bounces in her seat. “Was that a yes? You’ll have to speak up. I’m hard of hearing.”

“No, you aren’t,” Zach tells her, and at the same time I say, very loudly: “Yes!”

The room erupts in noise. At the end of the table, Calandra is on her feet, yelling her joy. Ryan hugs her. Zach’s mom is crying, wiping her eyes with a napkin. Alan puts his arm around her, wearing the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.

Great Aunt Mary gives me a squashing hug, eyes brimming, smile wide. Austin and Ben whoop and high-five each other. Erin laughs in excitement and Ben’s laughter dies when Erin beams across the table at him.

Zach … Zach is still on one knee, holding out the ring. I take the ring, place it on the table, then stand up, pulling him up with me.

Then I kiss him.

I mash my face against his, lips to lips, as we’d done at age thirteen when we’d kissed for the first time. Zach understands and laughs as we part, throwing back his head, his laughter warm and comforting.

He gathers me to him and our mouths meet in a much better kiss. It’s one that goes on and on as everyone cheers and hoots.

If I’d known way back then, when I’d first dared myself to kiss Zach McLaughlin, that I’d have my arms around him today, he fulfilling my wildest dreams, I wouldn’t have troubled myself with unhappiness.

The loneliness wouldn’t have mattered. I’d have known that Zach would be waiting for me at the end of the dark tunnel.

Known he’d put his arms around me, smile, kiss me … and change everything.



“I didn’t plan it this way,” I say to Abby two weeks later.

We’re strolling alone by the pool in my folks’ backyard, the night cool after a hot day. Oleanders are blooming, anticipating summer. We’re back at the family homestead, a smaller gathering this time, to celebrate our engagement.

“I was supposed to take you to a fancy restaurant, get you liquored up with wine and single malt, and then spring the proposal on you.”

“This was better.” Abby slides her hand to mine, locking fingers with me. “In front of your whole family. More fun than with strangers.”

“More embarrassing for me if you’d said no.” I tighten our hand-clasp. “Strangers would sympathize, but my family would never let it go. They’d critique. Hold up cards with numbers to show how I did.”

Abby laughs, bumping into me. “Your family is great.”

My brothers aren’t bad, I agree, when they decide to be decent guys. Right now they’re talking to Abby’s mom and her new husband. I remember Abby’s mom from when we were kids, a dynamic woman with a big smile. She and Abby are much Copyright 2016 - 2024