This Changes Everything by Jennifer Ashley Page 0,30

of his sons. We agree. It will be great to see Ryan again.

“Then it’s settled,” Mom says. “I’ll invite Erin, if she’s free, and Zach will call Abby.”

She reaches over and squeezes Dad’s hand, everything all right in her world. Dad gives her a fond look. Everything’s right in his world too.


It’s the worst Friday of my life. I’ve been given three extra projects this week, because someone on my team quit. Mr. Beale seems to think it’s my fault she quit—and it is, actually. She was so miserable, I encouraged her to find another job, and she did.

The result—I have to take over all her projects. To be done by next Monday. No way. I know I’ll be coming in Saturday to finish.

Sunday, I’m supposed to drive to Zach’s parents’ house for a welcome-home party for Calandra and Ryan. Zach asked me hesitantly, as if the last thing I’d want to do on a Sunday afternoon was spend time with him and his family.

I accepted without question.

Now I fear I’ll have to cancel. If I don’t get these presentations done before Monday morning, we’ll lose the accounts, and it will be on me.

At five-thirty, when I’m supposed to be heading out, Mr. Beale decides to jump on my ass.

“I want that done before you leave today, Warren.”

The projects will take me many hours—I know this from experience.

“I plan to come in over the weekend, Mr. Beale, plus work on the projects at home too. Everything will be done by Monday.”

“No—I want them on my desk tonight.” He glowers at me, towering over my cubicle wall.

Mr. Beale never, ever approaches me closer than six feet, never touches me, never does anything to break any rule about harassment. Never curses, or says a wrong word that could be construed as belittling me because of my gender. He treats us all like faceless robots.

But he finds his own ways, totally within the rules, to be intimidating.

“I can only work so fast.” I try to keep the rage out of my voice.

“You find plenty of time to talk to your friends. Tonight, before you walk out. Or don’t come in on Monday.”

“Mr. Beale …”

“Fine.” He takes two steps back. “But I expect to see you in here all day tomorrow and all day Sunday.”

“Like I said.” I can’t be bothered to be polite. Since I’m a salaried employee, this means no overtime. I draw the same pay whether I work forty hours or eighty.

“Good.” He turns and stalks off.

I refuse to burst into tears, but I want to.

I reach for the phone to call Zach and explain why I can’t be at the party. If I do it quickly, it will hurt less.

The phone rings before I touch it. The readout shows it isn’t Zach.

I snatch up the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey there,” Brent Savidge says. “Bad time?”

“Wonderful time. How are you?”

“I’m great, but you’re about to be better. How’d you like a forty-thousand dollar a year raise? And your own office with a great view?”

“I would love it.” I want to cry again, but in relief. I haven’t heard from Brent since our dinner, and I’d assumed I hadn’t landed the job. “You don’t know how much.”

“Awesome. I’ll be in Phoenix Monday, and we can talk. That okay with you?”

“Perfect.” I wouldn’t be at this job Monday, so I’d have all day. Mr. Beale—I quit! That was going to feel good to say.

“Looking forward to it. Oh, and Abby …”

I listen to what Brent tells me, not sure I’m hearing right. Three weeks ago, his words wouldn’t have mattered, and I’d be dancing on the moon. Today …

Today, I don’t know what to do.

Chapter Ten


Ryan and Calandra return to town Friday afternoon, arriving at the office for their grand entrance before heading to their own place.

No clients are there, so we congregate in the open showroom. Mom hugs Ryan then Calandra, then Ryan again, tears on her face.

“Good to see you, bro.” I give Ryan a hard hug, crushing him. I’ve missed my big brother, always there with advice. I should talk to him, but I don’t want to monopolize his time while he’s busy being adored.

Ben hugs Ryan with much back-pounding, then Austin comes in for his. We all get to hug Calandra too—she’s our sis now. Erin hangs back, as she’s not part of the family, trying to give us our space. Mom, however, introduces her, and both Calandra and Ryan greet her with enthusiasm.

It’s a while before Ryan can wander into Copyright 2016 - 2024