This Changes Everything by Jennifer Ashley Page 0,24

regretting it either,” she says softly.

My heart starts beating hard, and the heat that hasn’t left me since I got out of her bed ramps up. I take her hand.

“Tour’s not done yet.”

She wraps her fingers around mine, the glow in her eyes spinning fire through my body. I guide her inside and then to the stairs. I installed these, though I did order them custom built—polished wood, wide steps, Craftsman bannister. Not a big staircase, but it brings us to my bedroom.

I’m glad I’d made my bed this morning, though for me that’s shaking the sheets and mismatched blankets straight. Abby doesn’t glance at the bed, but at the three windows that give out over the porch roof to a decent view.

“Look at the lights.” She wanders to a window, and I decide not to snap on the overhead. Through a break in the trees behind the neighbor’s roof, we can see the lights of Phoenix stretching south until they run into the dark wall of South Mountain. Red lights blink lazily on top of that, warning planes away from the microwave and radio towers.

I move behind her, sliding my arms around her waist. She doesn’t throw me off or step away, she relaxes into me. I nuzzle her neck, inhaling her beautiful scent.

Abby lets out a sigh, as though she’s perfectly content in my arms.

I’m content too … and more than a little hungry for her. The nuzzling becomes kisses, and tiny nips. Abby lets out a soft moan and turns in my arms, seeking my lips with hers.

We enjoy a long, tongue-tangling, scorching kiss. When we’re done, she’s crushed against me, my hands under her jacket, looking for the zipper on her dress.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” she whispers. “All day yesterday too.”

“You disappeared on me.” I kiss her cheek. “Checked out. Gone.”

Her skin flushes beneath my lips. “I thought you wouldn’t want to see me. You know … after.”

“Why the hell wouldn’t I?” I growl and gently bite her chin. “I’d just made love to the most beautiful woman in the universe. Of course I wanted to see you.”

She gives me a sly glance. “Didn’t notice you calling me.”

I could say I didn’t have her phone number, but that was a lie, thanks to Brooke.

“I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me,” I counter. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the universe, remember? I’m … Zach.”

“The very hot Zach McLaughlin?” She lifts her arms and twines them around me. “I saw all the women looking at you in the restaurant tonight. Wanting to tackle me and take my place.”

I knew she had to be joking. “Nah, they were looking at Austin. He attracts attention.”

“Bull.” Abby slides against me, and my thoughts scatter. “This was after Austin left. But it doesn’t matter. We’re here now.”

“True.” I kiss her again. “Here. Now.”

That’s all that matters.

Our clothes start coming off. I find the zipper and the dress loosens. I help her pull off the jacket, and the top of the sleeveless dress slides down her arms, revealing a black lacy bra.

Her hands are busy unbuckling my belt, unzipping my pants. I suck in a breath as her fingers find my cock, which is plenty stiff.

“Oh, man.” I let out the breath, which sounds hoarse. “I don’t think I can stand up for this.”

Before she can speak, I sweep her off her feet and into my arms, heading for the bed.

Sounds easy, right? In the movies, the hero lifts the heroine like its nothing and runs with her somewhere. I saw one dude run all the way up the stairs with his lady.

In reality, it’s hard to catch my balance without bouncing her, and as soon as she lets go of me, my pants fall. I trip over them, but thankfully the bed is nearby, and we land safely on it. Abby’s laughing at me once again.

I kick out of my pants and shoes, and roll over to her. She’s on her side, tugging at the hem of my shirt. It’s a polo shirt, which I wear to look professional for clients. I drag it off over my head then the T-shirt beneath it.

Her turn. I unhook her bra, which drops off. Not waiting, I cup her breasts then lower my head and close my lips over her nipple.

Abby arches into my mouth, and I feast on the velvet softness of her. Her fingers rest again on my cock, stroking it through my underwear, sending fires through Copyright 2016 - 2024