This Changes Everything by Jennifer Ashley Page 0,11

in silence, our bodies close as we explore each other.

Zach releases me from the kiss, drawing a ragged breath as he gazes at me. “The beauty of you,” he whispers. “It’s blowing me away.”

I flush, loving the compliment and not knowing what to do with it. For answer I push open his shirt, running my hands across his T-shirted chest. I feel his heart beating beneath my fingertips, pound-pounding as his ribcage rises with his breath.

I tug at the T-shirt, wanting him as bare as I am.

Zach grins and pulls the shirt off over his head. I feast my eyes on the dense muscles of his torso, his six-pack abs that attest to a lot of crunches at the gym.

The smooth skin of his chest is dusted with black hair, wiry curls catching my fingertips. His flat nipples tighten under my touch.

Zach makes a noise in his throat. His thumb caresses the tips of my nipples, the fire he starts making me incoherent. I tilt my head for more kisses, needing them, desire hot between my legs.

He holds me with one hand planted solidly on my back, the other lightly on my breast while he kisses me. And kisses me. I wriggle my fingers under his waistband, reaching for the honed ass I’d spied inside his tux trousers.

I find the satin skin, the tight flesh. Another noise leaves his throat as I let my fingers play.

Zach breaks off, breathless, eyes heavy as he looks down at me. “Abby …”

The name caresses me as much as his fingers on my bare skin.

“Let’s take this to the bedroom,” I whisper.

Here’s his chance to run, to find his brothers and laugh about how easy his childhood flame, Abby Warren, has become.

Zach gazes down at me with need. “Okay.”

I take his hand, and lead him there.


Abby apologizes for the mess in the bedroom of her suite, but I barely notice the boxes, the makeup on top of the dresser, the silk flowers piled next to the television. I glimpse Calandra’s bridal gown hanging in the closet before Abby swiftly closes its door.

She comes to me, holding the yellow fabric of her bridesmaid’s dress over her fabulous breasts. She has curves, does Abby. I can’t wait to touch them again.

The bed is smooth and inviting, the pillows plumped, sheets turned down for the night. There’s a chocolate on each nightstand. This hotel is big on service.

I can’t believe Abby’s inviting me to stay, but I’m not arguing either. She gives me her lopsided smile, her eyes sparkling as we approach the bed.

I want to kiss her again, so I pull her into my arms. Her mouth tastes of sweetness and smooth wine, her lips plump. I gently bite her lower one.

Her dress falls as she lifts her arms to encircle my neck, and I help it shimmy all the way to the floor. She’d already tossed off her stockings in the other room, so I have a nearly naked Abby against me, except for the tiny slash of her yellow underwear, which matches the dress.

I’m so busy enjoying kissing and touching her that I don’t realize she’s undone my pants until they’re around my ankles. That must be so sexy—a guy with his pants pooling around his socks and shoes.

The trousers are loose, so I kick them away.

Abby pulls back to look me over. The smile she beams tells me she’s laughing her ass off at me, but I don’t care. The sight of her, bare for me, tan lines around her shoulders and waist, more than make up for me looking stupid.

I take advantage of the lull to toe off my shoes. I try pulling off my socks, but they get stuck, and I’m hopping, tugging at the black torture devices. Meanwhile Abby’s laughing some more.

She disappears into the bathroom, and for a second, I fear she’s going to shut and lock the door, leaving me to gather up my clothes and slither off, but she’s out almost right away, dropping something on the nightstand. I don’t see what it is as I’m now on the edge of the bed, yanking off the socks.

Abby stands before me, five foot five of beautiful. Hands on my shoulders, she slowly pushes me back onto the bed.

I let her. I surrender. Why the hell wouldn’t I?

Right in front of me my eyes, she peels off her underwear and then leans to me, fingers tugging at my waistband.

I wriggle out of the boxer briefs and send them after Copyright 2016 - 2024