Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,86

burning through me. “Oh, the things we can do to you, sweet girl, the ways we can make you come. Maybe one day we’ll see how many times we can make you come in a row, how many times you’ll explode for us. But sometimes—sometimes it will be all of us at once.” My brain spun with the possibilities.

“I think you’ll like that, Nix,” Joshua added, his husky timbre a caress. “I know I would. To claim you at the same time as my brothers. To see you stretched and filled. To mark you as ours.”

Hiro hissed his agreement, leaning over to lick Joshua’s shoulder, and I shuddered with pleasure. “Eyes open,” Hiro snapped, when they tried to sway closed as I attempted to give in to the desire curling inside me, tightening to the point of pain. My eyes flared wide, and I stared at them, at the picture they made with their hands on the other’s body. Their differences completed each other as they touched and traced and pleasured one another, all for my viewing enjoyment.

“We’ll have to take you as a group soon, Nix. I don’t think we can wait much longer,” Joshua informed me, gritting his words out. “We all want you. All need you. The pleasure of that will be beyond anything you can imagine.”

“You’d kneel over Ryder on the bed,” Hiro murmured, painting the picture for me. “Straddling him, taking him inside you. Theo would take that hot little mouth of yours—he loves the way you suck him.” Joshua groaned his approval of that as well. “You’d have your hands full of Damien and Joshua, both standing on either side of you to give you easy access. And Killian, he’d have that pretty ass of yours.” I whimpered, imagining the way that would feel, to be completely full, completely overtaken.

“And you?” I gasped out, needing to know where he was in this picture.

His eyes flashed with heat. “I’d kneel right beside you, baby girl, and take your clit into my mouth. I’d suck and lick you and Damien until you came so hard you couldn’t stay upright.”

Desperation speared through me, release just beyond my reach. “Please! God, sirs, please! Take me,” I begged. “Please! I need you both inside me. I need to feel you.”

Joshua leaned over me and untied my ankles. “I think you’ve earned it, Nix. You want to come hard on us? Are you going to scream for us?”

“Yes!” I cried out.

“Good girl,” Hiro growled in my ear, guiding me onto Joshua. I straddled him, but Hiro wouldn’t let me take him, not yet. “You’re everything, Nix,” he told me, his voice soft as his mouth traced my throat. “Everything to all of us. You’ll remember that.” Slowly, ever so slowly, he guided me onto Joshua’s cock. He wouldn’t let me drop down, wouldn’t let me take him all at once. No, he held my hips to guide my movements he lowered me inch by agonizing inch, entirely in control even while I was on top. When I was completely filled and moaning in need, he swore.

“You want it hard, Nix?” Joshua asked me. “Or you want it slow and soft?”


He chuckled, the dark edge to the sound cutting into me. “Not a yes or no question, baby. You’ll tell me how you want it.”

“Hard,” I answered. “Hard and fast and deep. Mark me. Take me.” The words were nearly incoherent as they spilled from me, and both men groaned.

“Ride him, Nix. Take what you need,” Hiro ordered, canting my hips so my clit rubbed against Joshua with every rock. I began to move, grinding my needy body onto him in frantic thrusts. My legs were shaking as I rolled my body forward and back, desperate for pleasure. Hiro’s hands gripped my hips, forcing them to move faster, to take him deeper, to grind harder. Joshua’s hands found my breasts, squeezing, and the pain washed over me, burning into a pleasure so hot I could barely breathe.

“Ask to come, Nix,” Joshua demanded. “Beg us for it.”

“Please. Oh, please, sirs, please let me come,” I implored, as Hiro ground me harder and harder against Joshua, using his superior strength to move me faster than I would have been able to move by myself.

“Come, Nix. Now,” Hiro commanded, before he sank his teeth into the crook of my shoulder. The bite of pain was all I needed and, with a scream, I came apart around them, my vision going gray as pleasure exploded Copyright 2016 - 2024