Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,77

to the ground if my skates shattered would most definitely hurt.

He stepped onto the ice, gliding across it effortlessly. I wondered if his skill had more to do with his connection to the ice and water, or if it was due to practice. He turned easily, reaching his hands out for mine. “Come on,” he encouraged. I hesitantly stepped onto the ice, fighting the way my legs wanted to spread and send me into the splits. “That’s it.” He moved backwards, letting my feet move with his. “March slightly, get the feel for it. Great job.” I felt silly, marching in place while he moved as though the ice was an extension of himself.

It didn’t take long for my short steps to become gliding ones. I was far from graceful, but my heart was giddy, so I tried not to care. Theo never released my hands, helping me balance when I tried to slide one way or another. I laughed as the wind struck my face and curls of snow blew into my hair as we slid across the smooth ice. “This is fun!”

“Ready to try on your own?” he asked and dipped his head to catch my gaze, smiling reassuringly. Well, if I got a bruised butt, I’d make Ryder heal it, I decided. The wind had whipped Theo’s hair into disarray, the blond strands going in every direction, and his eyes danced behind his glasses.

“Ready.” Gently, he released my hands, letting me glide forward on my own. Shockingly, I managed to stay on my feet.

“Beautiful.” He leaned his head back, looking up at the sky as he began to skate around me. His strokes were long and even compared to my faltering ones. Theo sped across the ice, looping around me with ease as he laughed, the sound bright in the winter air. “I love to skate,” he told me, as he spun to skate backwards while facing me. “It’s like flying.” A flush tinged his face as he coughed. “I mean, for me it is,” he added hurriedly when he remembered that I could actually fly.

My Phoenix warbled, the sound similar to a human laugh. She was definitely amused by our blushing mate. “I understand,” I replied. “It’s freeing. The wind in your face, the way you glide, I could see the comparison. I mean, when I fly in my Phoenix form, it’s different, sure, but it’s still incredible.” I didn’t want him feeling embarrassed. It was clear he found peace this way, and I didn’t want him second-guessing himself.

“Watch this!” He whirled, his skates cutting across the ice as, with a single action, he pushed himself into the air and spun around to land on one foot, his other kicked out behind him for balance. I wobbled, nearly falling in shock as he laughed at the expression on my face.

“I didn’t know you could do that!”

He glided close to me, his fingers reaching out to brush my cheek. “Oh, there are lots of things you don’t know about me yet,” he murmured, a wicked smile on his lips. “Though I’m going to have fun showing them to you one by one.”

Whew. Maybe I didn’t need to use my Phoenix powers to heat myself, Theo was doing a damn good job of that on his own. “I’m glad we did this.” Though my ankles were trembling slightly, I didn’t want to stop. Seeing Theo this way, similar to how he was when we played in the water, was a relief. I knew how lost he’d felt lately. “I didn’t realize you had so much control over the ice.”

“I didn’t use to,” he admitted, spinning himself into another jump before racing back, making it appear as easy as breathing.

I would have frozen if my momentum hadn’t continued sliding me forward. “Were you using my blood again?” I questioned tentatively, considering the ice in front of me and remembering that night during our trials.

“No.” He shook his head. “No, Nix. It’s not that. It’s just…” He hesitated, as if unsure what to say. “With all of us together, having Joshua with us, I just feel, I don’t know, stronger? More in control?” He sighed and skated backward, the movement smooth. “It’s as if by having all of us together, I can access my power better.” He shrugged, and I stumbled as I attempted the same motion. Theo caught me easily, setting me back onto my feet as I gave him a rueful shake of my head.

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