Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,71

my peak.

Joshua buried himself inside me, every delicious pound creating an exquisite torture. I was ready to explode when, on a growl, Joshua picked me up and rearranged us on the bed with me on top, my thighs straddling his waist.

“Want to see you come,” he gasped out, as I sunk down onto his length, adjusting to the angle as I placed my hands on his chest. He arched up and captured a nipple in his mouth, giving it a swirl of his tongue and a hard suck before doing the same to the other. He gripped my hips and lifted me up as though I weighed nothing before dropping me back down his length. The slap of skin was erotic as he set a punishing pace, picking up right where we’d left off.

I rocked my hips, angling myself over him perfectly. My breasts bounced as I rode him. I threw my head back, my long hair brushing against my ass and the tops of his thighs, the tickling just adding another sensation to the overload I was experiencing.

“Fuck, baby. That’s it.” He moaned deep and low as my body held him like a vise, each drag pure bliss. “You’re so close, Nix. I can feel how wet you are for me. How swollen and ready you are.” He pulled my body forward until my clit rubbed against him. “Ride me. Take what’s yours,” he growled, still fully in control even with me on top. “I’m yours, Nix.”

My Phoenix rose and squawked in my mind, claiming what he freely gave. “Mine.” Her flames swirled inside me, adding to the heat of sex. Sweat slicked our skin, glistening in the low firelight.

“Yours. Come for me, baby. Give me your pleasure, your heart, your entire fucking body.” His hips canted into mine from below, each thrust sending me higher until I came on a scream.

“Joshua! Oh my God!”

He never stopped moving, sending me spiraling from one orgasm to another as my swollen clit brushed against him. My ass was red from his grip, his nails biting into my flesh as he lost himself with a shout.

“Shit. Oh, fuck. Just like that, baby. Take it. Take it all.” His legs strained as he gave one more pump before stilling inside me as he spilled his release.

We were both breathing heavily by the time I collapsed on top of him, totally spent in our haze of bliss and desire.

“So, how was that?” I murmured, when I’d finally caught my breath, folding my hands on his chest and resting my chin on top so I could gaze at him.

“Hmm?” he murmured, cracking his sex glazed eyes to peer down at me while his hand traced light, languid patterns along my back.

“The sex? Was it as good as you imagined all those times you touched yourself and thought of me?” I grinned cheekily, basking in the knowledge he’d gotten himself off—repeatedly—while we’d been apart. I wanted to know every single one of his fantasies and make them come to life.

“Oh, no.” He shook his head emphatically.

“No?” I pushed myself up, my brows furrowed in confusion while I tried to process what the hell he’d just said.

His serious expression broke with a wide, comical grin, and I breathed a sigh of relief as I melted back into him. “Baby.” He cupped my face and caressed the arch of my cheekbone. “The answer is no because it was so much better than anything I ever could have dreamed up on my own.”

“Definitely better,” I agreed with a relieved sigh. My final mate was home. He was mine in every way he could be. For the moment, life was good.



I would never get over how lucky I was. The thought warmed my heart as I watched Nix giggle beside me at something Theo was whispering in her ear. Though the Kraken had been quiet lately, he was always open with our sweet girl, and her laughter was a balm to us both. Content to merely watch them, I stretched, loosening the tired muscles in my arms. Going a few rounds with Theo was like going against with a brick wall. Damien might be known for his strength, but Theo was too often forgotten for the strength his alter provided while he was in his human form. Without Ryder’s daily help, we’d all be covered in a mess of bruises.

I smiled to myself at the thought of Ryder. We hadn’t had much time together since we fled to the rebellion, Copyright 2016 - 2024