Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,41

my hand on Kyle’s shoulder and squeezed tightly as I tilted my chin down. There was no need to capture his gaze however. He stared right back, accepting his death with gratitude for the time I’d been able to add to their diversion. With no news of any shifters making a break for it, I assumed his family and friends were in the clear thanks to him and his friends’ brave and selfless actions.

Hissing in my mind, my Basilisk shared his panic for what we were about to do, unsure if either of us would be able to control our newfound power. I hushed him mentally, unable to process both our emotions in the heat of the moment, and he coiled tightly, tensely settling, just as unhappy about our predicament as I was.

“Come now, Councilman,” Ishida prompted condescendingly. “Make your move before one of us makes it for you.”

The tingle of his magic teased the periphery of mine, and I snarled until Stepanov tsked.

“Ishida, give the boy time to work. Even your daughter required practice to hone her fire.”

Rolling my shoulders, I shared a meaningful glance with Kyle before I let my power slip forward. Fortunately—or unfortunately—I’d seen my father do this on enough occasions that I knew what to expect and how to possibly manipulate the situation.

Silent and unseen, my magic wove through him, causing every muscle in the shifter’s body to tense. The muscles in Kyle’s neck strained, delineating the thick ropes under his skin, and his healthy complexion became sallow as he fell under my spell.

I swallowed again, shaking from the surge of power pushing to be released. Fuck!

My magic ripped through me as I lost my measured hold, flying from my eyes in a burst no one, least of all the Council, was expecting. Kyle’s eyes rolled up into his head and he fell backwards, his rigid body thudding against the marble floor as I watched through a blue-green haze. An chisel chipped away painfully at my skull, my head throbbing so harshly with every beat of my heart I was sure my pounding pulse was visible behind my temples.

Glancing up, I glared at the screaming crowd, watching as bodies fell like dominoes as bystanders accidentally got caught in my gaze.

My magic whipped from me in uncontrolled lashes until, finally, I wrenched my eyes closed. Huffing breaths through my nose, trying to calm my overstimulated senses, I hoped the scene I’d caused had been enough.

My power had been stronger than I’d expected, but I didn’t think I’d actually done irreparable damage to anyone. Stumbling back up the dais, I stared down at Kyle’s lifeless body and wondered if I had truly killed him.

Although my power had unintentionally escaped at the end, I’d done a good job of funneling it to Kyle in controlled doses, slowly paralyzing him until he was in a near, death-like state. Reaching for him with my power, I felt the smallest trickle of life. I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but I didn’t let it rise, keeping my face a mask that pandered to the Council. I just had to beg the universe that no one could tell the difference between death and severe paralysis.

Maldonado swept from his throne, his robes fluttering behind him. Out of the six of us, only Maldonado and Stepanov chose to wear the gaudy attire, while the rest of us opted for formalwear.

Bending low, Maldonado checked the shifter for a pulse.

“I don’t feel anything.” He rose, but his eyes landed on a low-level mythological who’d been caught in the ordeal as she started to stir, the power she’d been grazed with not nearly as direct or potent as what I’d waged against Kyle. Suspicion sparked in Maldonado’s gaze and he narrowed his eyes on Stepanov. “Check him for yourself, just to be sure,” he ordered.

If it was possible, Stepanov’s aura grew darker from the direct challenge, but he swept from his seat to stand at the edge of the dais. His hands went to claws in front of him a moment before black power flowed in inky, creeping tendrils to wrap around Kyle’s body. A white, glowing light appeared above Kyle’s chest, and I turned my head before I had to witness Stepanov shred away Kyle’s lifeforce. The soft thud of the shifter’s body falling back to the marble, this time truly lifeless, sent a gnawing pain though my chest while my stomach flipped uncomfortably.

“You saw for yourselves. The young Councilman merely froze the traitor Copyright 2016 - 2024