Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,28

intently meeting my gaze. “You are a healer, Ry. You were born for it. I’ve never met someone with a bigger heart than yours.” Her thumb stroked lightly over the line of my jaw, adding an extra layer of reassurance to her words. “Yes, your abilities are more vast than you knew, but that doesn’t mean you’re suddenly evil, and it doesn’t negate all the good you can and will do now and in the future.”

I stared at my mate, letting her wisdom sink in and settle before my lips pulled up in the smallest smile. “How do you always know what to say?”

Nix shrugged, her hand falling away to her lap. “Probably because it’s the same pep talk I’ve been giving myself about my changing powers. My fire that day was different than it’s ever been. Brighter, stronger, more potent. There was an undercurrent to it that felt dark and dangerous even as it did my bidding. Except I don’t actually have an excuse for what happened to me other than pure devastation and rage.”

“Theo’s doing everything he can to dig up more information on phoenix and their powers. Maybe there’s information we’re missing that would explain what you felt,” I offered, feeling completely helpless. Now that I knew this topic was bothering Nix, I’d join the Kraken’s hunt for information about my mate’s rare alternate form. There hadn’t been much to go on thus far, but maybe we were looking in the wrong places. The sparse number of documented cases of phoenix had made the search challenging, but perhaps there was truth buried in the lore of the elusive, mythological bird that would be useful. I made a mental note to start researching tomorrow and focused back on the girl in my arms.

“Hopefully,” Nix murmured without a lot of conviction.

“Hey.” My tone was a deep, soft, reassuring hum. “If it’s out there, you know Theo will find it. I’ll help as well.”

Nix leaned in and her lips whispered fleetingly over mine in a gentle graze. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.”

I chuckled, a genuine, crooked smile pulling at my lips as I shook my head. Pressing closer, I kissed Nix’s temple as she peeked skyward once more, watching the northern lights while she let another burst of heat wash over us, chasing out the ice that tried to impede on our outdoor cuddle time.

Granted, the warmth of a bed sounded pretty damn good right now, even better if I could finagle the schedule and make it my night to bunk with Nix.

She let out a long breath, her body starting to melt like the snow she’d blasted with her fire earlier, as she finally released some of her built-up tension.

“Other than girls’ shitty comments and your worries over your magic, how are you doing with… you know… everything?” Smooth, dude, I scolded myself, even as I wondered if she’d been struggling the way I had.

Nix tensed again before forcing herself to relax one muscle at a time. Hesitantly, she admitted, “Sometimes I have a hard time processing everything that’s happened, and yet I feel guilty I didn’t act sooner. If I’d reacted faster” —Nix picked at the fabric of her sleeve that stuck out just below the cuff of her jacket— “I may have been able to save Damien’s family. That’s something I’ll always have to live with.”

“No.” I shook my head, reaching for her and grabbing her upper arms gently before turning her until she was facing me, her legs curled beneath her. “No,” I repeated, shaking her slightly. “You are in no way responsible for their deaths. Don’t let yourself go there.”

“I can’t help it. I watched them die—”

“We all did, and it was awful, but you were being mentally restrained and had no control over the Council’s actions. What happened to Raphael and Celine was not your fault. Councilman LaCroix made a choice to protect us, Nix. To give his son a chance to make a difference. The best any of us can do now is honor his sacrifice.”

Nix sniffled and slowly nodded, her eyes staring at some obscure spot on my collarbone while she processed and gathered herself.

“Is that all you’re feeling guilty about?” I ducked my head, trying to catch her focus, wishing I had Damien’s ability to read her mind right about now. The lucky bastard always had a leg up on us when it came to Nix’s feelings. I was just about to mentally reach for him to ask for a little help Copyright 2016 - 2024