Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,19

scent of soap mixed with their combined fragrances of a misty ocean and a mossy forest, thoroughly distracting me, but as I wavered between joining Rini or pulling my men back upstairs to start the morning over—this time the right way—my stomach growled. Loudly.

Theo grinned and Hiro shook his head. “Go ahead and join Rini. We’ll grab your favorites and meet you there.”

I’d barely nodded before the two boys were off, making a beeline for the buffet table that housed all sorts of options. Damien and the kitchen staff never failed to produce delicious meals, though I fiercely missed cooking with my Gargoyle in our own home.

“Thank God you’re here. I could use a little estrogen right about now.” Rini climbed out of her seat between Barrett and Donovan, bouncing over to wrap me in a squeezing hug. While her arms were circled around me, I sent a small wave to the triplet grizzly bears who were her mates. Each one shoveled food into their mouths, opting to wave a utensil or simply give me a nod rather than slowing down enough to respond verbally.

“Heathens,” Rini grumbled, grabbing my hand when she pulled back and tugging me toward the drink station. “All of them are heathens.”

“What did they do this time?” I giggled to myself as she maneuvered us to the corner of the room.

“Oh, the usual. Hair in the sink, pee on the seat, socks on the floor, dishes left piled on the kitchen counter,” she rambled.

I wrinkled my nose. “Ew. Why not just tell them you’re not their maid and they need to clean up after themselves?”

“Wait, are you literally standing here telling me your men don’t do the same things?” She gaped, her eyes widening.

“Umm,” I hedged. “I guess in so many words. I mean, can you see Theo or Damien letting the others leave a mess in the bathroom or kitchen? Supposedly they became more careful when I started living with them, and now that we’re all in one room, it’s even more important to pick up after ourselves.”

“Gods, woman. You don’t even know how lucky you are. Six dicks and they clean? I’m not sure this is fair to the rest of womankind.” Rini threw her hands up dramatically as we waited in line at the drink station, drawing the attention of nearby shifters, though I was sure it was her words more than her actions that drew their wandering, curious eyes.

“Will you keep it down?” The blush was already working its way up my neck, staining my skin a rosy hue as I tucked my hair behind my ear and refused to make eye contact with anyone else.

Ever since I’d shown up with my mates and at least two dozen other shifters, I’d been the talk amongst the rebellion. Seemed I was fated to go down in history for the events of that tragic night, then again… I guess killing a Councilman will garner you a reputation. While there were many shifters who’d been kind or treated me with a reverence I didn’t feel I deserved, there were others who were terrified of me and the power I held.

“The last thing I need is to give people more to talk about,” I whispered to Rini, hoping she’d understand where I was coming from.

“Psshhh,” she hissed, waving my concerns away with a quick motion of her hand. “Don’t worry about them. Seriously. You do you, girl.” She took a breath, her lips parting like she was getting ready to launch in again.

I loved my best friend, but I’d learned early on that the best way to get Rini off one topic was to get her onto another one.

“So you were saying you were having problems with the triplets?” I reminded her, and I caught the exact moment the gears in her brain shifted focus. “What about Ciarán? Does he add to the mess or does he prefer to keep things clean?”

Rini abruptly concentrated on picking at one of her nails.

“Hey.” I touched her arm, dipping my head to try and catch her eye.

“He’s neater than they are, surprisingly, but he doesn’t mind the mess as much as I do.”

“Okay,” I murmured, while I tried to find a way to broach whatever was bothering her. Rini’s warm, bubbly light had dimmed, and I wasn’t sure what to make of her reaction.

I took a chance. “Are things alright with Ciarán joining your mating group?” As far as I knew, things had been going well with his integration Copyright 2016 - 2024