Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,180

entered our territory without leave.

With my Kraken pressing so close to the surface, my night vision was impressive. It only took me a moment to recognize the shape hunkered over my laptop. “Well, now.” I leaned against the wall, forcing the casual posture as the intruder jumped and whirled to face me. Hawthorne’s face registered anger, and then shock, before he smoothed the expression away.

“Theo.” Hawthorne attempted a smile, though I was able to see the way his dark eyes darted side to side as he thought. “I’m sorry. I know I should have asked. I just, I wanted to see if you had any pictures of Molly on here.” He indicated the laptop with a wave. I thought maybe I could, um, use them to put together a little present for her.”

“Did you find what you needed?” As he shifted, my eyes were drawn to the small flash drive in his fist that he endeavored to conceal against his leg. I waved a hand to indicate the flash drive, and he laughed lightly.

“Oh, yes. Yes, I think it will be a good suitor gift. We’re a bit limited here, you understand.”

“Considering my sister made it clear that she no longer considers you a suitor, I’m fairly sure that doesn’t add up very well,” I noted dryly, having talked to Molly just a few days ago about this very topic. “Not to mention this computer does not have any photographs on it, so it’s impossible that you would have been able to put them on that flash drive.”

We have a problem. My words flashed like ice through my mind. I was indignant that this man had touched my sister. I was beyond furious that whatever problems he was now creating were forcing me to drag my family from their mourning period. I need you and all leaders or representatives to the ballroom. Now. It was with real regret that I added, Sorry.

Hawthorne barked out a nervous laugh, reaching up to run a hand through his thick, dark hair. I knew my sister found the male attractive, I wasn’t a fool. Right now, however, all I could see was a slime ball. “Right, I meant I didn’t find pictures, but I was just wrapping up.” He tried out a smile, trying to head past me out into the hallway. I grabbed his arm, my Kraken’s strength preventing him from moving forward any farther. “The only thing you could have taken off that computer is my work, Hawthorne,” I whispered in his ear. “And there’s only one reason you could want that.”

Hawthorne snarled, wrenching his arm away from me. His fangs descended, visible now beneath his lips, and I knew his Manticore would be pushing close to the surface. “You aren’t as smart as you think you are,” he hissed. “Just walk away, Kraken.” The word was a clear slur from the lifted lip and narrowed eyes.

“Oh, I don’t think I will,” I responded wryly. My hand shot out, and I grabbed him again, dragging him down the hallway. My office was in the old business section of the lodge, and the ballroom was close by. Hawthorne twisted and thrashed in my grip, screaming obscenities. He was strong, but not strong enough to compete with me. He was making enough noise to draw a crowd as we entered the ballroom. The lights were glaring as my mate and my brothers waited with the leaders of the rebellion.

“What the hell is happening?” Valleria gasped out, her eyes wide with shock as she took in the ruffled Hawthorne, still thrashing madly under my hands. I flung Hawthorne forward, not caring when he collided with the hard floor. The doors were still open as other members of the rebellion trickled in behind us, following the commotion we were making.

“I found this bastard in my office,” I declared, letting the words echo. “My locked office. He was going through my computer, had a flash drive in his hand.”

“I told you,” Hawthorne sneered, as he hauled himself off the floor, “that I was looking for pictures of Molly for a present.”

“Then you wouldn’t have been holding onto that flash drive,” I challenged him. “Considering there are very few things on that computer you could be looking for, I would bet that it’s either my work on Phoenix blood or it’s the database of shifters I was working on.” When he paled, I nodded. “The latter then.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Hawthorne thrust his nose into the Copyright 2016 - 2024