Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,160

sucked hard on Damien as Joshua and Ryder began to fuck me in unison, my hands never stopping on Theo and Killian. There were so many sensations, too many, and yet not enough at the same time. I was being taken by all of my mates—the pain, the pleasure, all wrapping into something inside me that was better than I had ever expected. They were mine.

My mates growled as I pushed the thought at them, their bodies moving faster. I was helpless to move on my own, and even Killian and Theo took over with thrusts of their hips. Joshua and Ryder pounded into me, filling me exquisitely until it was nearly too much. “Ours.” Hiro’s word was a claim, a command against my core. “Ours, Nix. Forever.” He licked up Ryder and over me, sucking on my clit hard. I couldn’t last a moment longer, and I exploded, coming so hard I sobbed around Damien’s cock. My orgasm triggered theirs. Killian, Theo, and Hiro coated me in their release as Damien’s taste filled my mouth. I swallowed him down desperately, while Joshua and Ryder groaned out their own orgasms. Feeling them all, tasting them, sent me over the edge again, and stars flared in my vision as my body went limp between my mates. Power washed through me as my Phoenix screeched her own claim on these men. I could feel a corresponding flash of power, echoing through our wide-open link.

Gentle hands eased me from between Joshua and Ryder, settling my spent body onto the bed. I heard water running, and shortly after, warm clothes wiped me down, soothing and cleaning tender flesh. I sighed as the surge of power eased away, leaving me shaking in its aftermath as my mates curled around me.

“You’re mine now,” I slurred. “All of you. Forever. We’ll do the mating ceremony soon, but this? This sealed it.”

“Good,” Damien murmured. “Yours is all we want to be.”

“And you’re ours, Nix. Ours to love, protect, and cherish. Through anything that may come.”

“Anything,” I vowed, sighing as they settled in beside me.



Nix was smiling as she leaned over Joshua to view Ryder’s computer, playfully arguing about whatever thing they were trying to buy her next. After all of Ryder’s jealousy the other week, the Ceraptor and Basilisk had finally found some common ground. God help us all that it happened to be over fashion. Thankfully, Theo had been smart with our savings, sectioning it off and funneling it into offshore accounts the Council couldn’t reach. As much as I hated relying on money we’d earned by working for such corrupt leaders, I couldn’t deny that we needed the funds to support ourselves. Although we couldn’t risk getting packages delivered here, it hadn’t stopped the pair from ordering things that caught their fantasy for later pickup.

Now that my parents were gone, I needed to sort their estate, though there had been no time for any of that before we’d fled. I was just grateful that their important documents had been scanned and saved online rather than being kept solely as paper files. Tao and Joshua had stashed some of their personal belongings for me, along with a few papers that had looked official, and Tao had grabbed it all, shoving it into an extra backpack when the Council’s Lodge went up in flames. Without those measures, everything I had of them would have been lost. I’d be forever indebted to him for his thoughtfulness and quick action, let alone his loyalty to Joshua.

I eyed the backpack in the corner before turning back to watch Nix cozy up next to Ryder on the comfortable couch. I hadn’t felt ready to look through my parents’ things yet, but I would soon. It was time to move forward and look toward the future… and I was looking at my future right now.

Nix giggled and shook her head, spouting off about the price of Ryder’s shopping cart with wide eyes. He liked to spoil her. We all did.

I rolled my neck, stretching the muscles to try and ward off the slight headache that pressed in against my temples. It had plagued me these last few days, the pressure building and receding at random. I double-checked my mental block, making sure it was strong enough to conceal the ache from Ryder. I knew if he found out I was having headaches, he’d haul my ass down to the infirmary and give me a thorough checkup, which I had neither the time nor Copyright 2016 - 2024