Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,16

on the island, and to countless other shifters, animals, and mythologicals alike—and to me as well.

Shaking off my thoughts, I tuned into the conversation the guys were having around me.

“I don’t understand why we can’t just push the bunks together. It would give us more opportunities to snuggle with Nix. Seriously, what’s the problem?” Ryder had hopped down and was arguing with Theo over the logistics of rearranging our tiny space.

“It will block the door, Ryder. We wouldn’t be able to get in and out of the room comfortably, let alone safely,” Theo explained, and from the exasperated expression he wore, I had a feeling this wasn’t the first—or even the fourth—time he’d made this point.

“It’s easy.” Ryder moved, pantomiming the way we’d enter and leave the room. “You just crawl past the headboard, and then tuck and roll through the doorway.” He executed a perfect somersault into the small living space beyond that housed nothing more than a short, counter cabinet combo with a sink and a microwave, a table big enough for two, three if you squeezed, a door that led to the small bathroom, and a loveseat. In some ways, the living setup reminded me of the college dorms, though those hadn’t taken into account six people sharing a single bathroom.

This particular headquarters was the third one we’d been to in our time with the rebellion, and it was by far the nicest. With the snow piling up to levels I’d only ever imagined, it was incredible to have a place with working heat and plumbing, though my Phoenix often gave rooms an extra little boost of warmth to ensure our mates were comfortable, knowing they’d never complain about the chill. We all had our part to play, and any small task I could help with, I did.

“I am not climbing over shit to get in and out of this room,” Killian grumbled, crossing his arms as he shook his head at a nimble Ry, who stood fluidly and bowed at the waist, gymnastics maneuver complete.

“Twilight Sparkle,” I called, giving him a sweet smile, and when he caught my gaze, he shot me a wink. Deep down, I knew his antics were to distract me and help me feel better, and it was working. “I appreciate that you want all of us to be closer, but I agree with Kill. Can you imagine him trying to crawl through this tiny space?” I waved a hand at the limited real estate that existed between the headboard and the top bunk, biting back a giggle at the visual of Killian trying to squeeze his large frame through it.

“Abra can just shift and hop over. I don’t see the problem.” Ryder raised his eyebrows and innocently glanced back and forth between Kill and me, waiting for us to approve his ridiculous plan.

Killian pinched the bridge of his nose and barked, “No one calls me that but Nix.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Thumper. Did I get your cute little fluffy tail in a twist?” Ryder grinned, knowing exactly how to poke the Puca to garner a reaction. I swore he was taking notes from Ciarán on how to annoy the Celt.

A glint flashed in Killian’s eyes and then he dropped his hands, rubbing them together like he was plotting sinister revenge.

Ryder grinned mischievously and bounced on his toes. The second Killian charged, Ryder ducked and wove out of the way, dashing for the door and escaping down the hallway while Killian gave chase, his large feet thudding against the ground. I saw the big guy take a random left turn and scrunched my brows together.

“He’s taking a short cut,” Theo explained, and I tried to remember where the different hallways led to. We’d only been here a few days, but the corridors with their similar pictures and matching carpets all looked the same.

Theo slipped from the bed and stretched his arms above his head. Sleeping two to a twin-sized bed wasn’t exactly comfortable, especially for men the size of my mates. He worked his limbs awake while I ogled the hard, cut muscles of his lower abdominals that showed beneath the raised fabric of his shirt.

Theo caught me staring and grinned. The expression was even more sinful than usual, his mussed morning hair and the light scruff covering his jaw adding a less polished look than Theo usually wore.

“I believe she likes what she sees,” Hiro mused with heat in his eyes as he took in my own bed rumpled appearance.

“She does,” Theo Copyright 2016 - 2024