Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,12

that helped relax the tense set of my shoulders. An easy breeze blew against my skin so softly it could have been real, and when I gazed up, I saw a million stars emerging in the twilight sky.

God, what I wouldn’t give to take Nix somewhere like this for real, which probably had something to do with why I’d unknowingly conjured it up.

My Basilisk stretched out, wishing for the heat of the beach rather than the cool silky sheets of our reality, but the illusion was nice nonetheless.

I could almost feel the spark of Nix’s magic warming me, and my heart rate jumped when I heard her sweet voice.

“Joshua.” That sound. I closed my eyes, letting the beautiful melody of Nix’s voice repair my aching heart, even if it was just part of the dream. This was the only place I ever felt close to her. I even swore I heard her feminine giggle. “Joshua,” she called again... only this time it was more insistent.

I opened my eyes to see her shadowed form appearing behind one long, gauzy curtain.

“Nix?” I was moving before her name even left my lips, running into the sand and scooping her up as I swung her around in a circle. “Nix.” Her name was a prayer, a plea, and a goddamn promise. “Nix,” I repeated, just needing the validation that she was here in my arms.

We were nothing more than clinging arms and legs, a mash of lips, and a tangle of tongues as I consumed her with my mouth. She tasted just as sweet as I remembered, and that pure, flowery and smoky scent enveloped me as I held her close. I kissed her again and again, pouring every ounce of happiness I had into showing her how incredible it was to see her.

I groaned at the feel of her beautiful body pressed against mine, and I pushed away the nagging reminder that this wasn’t real. It felt real, she smelled real, and her skin was a soft caress against mine as I set her on her feet. But I refused to let her out of my embrace, too enamored with having her near to release her completely.

“I miss you,” Nix murmured as she turned her head, letting me kiss her temple while she drew in a deep breath. “So, so much.”

“I know, baby. I miss you too. Just remember I’ll be with you again soon. This is only temporary.” The words were for her as much as they were for me. I needed the reminder to get through another day.

We couldn’t get enough, just drinking each other in. Nix popped up on her tiptoes and started to kiss a line along the bottom of my jaw. I couldn’t resist pulling her closer, bringing her flush with the lines of my body even though I knew she’d feel how much I missed her.

A breathy gasp escaped her lips when my arousal pressed against her abdomen, that spark of desire flaring to life in her eyes. “I want you to come home, Joshua,” she begged, and it broke my heart to hear the needy tone of her voice.

“Trust me, Nix. There’s nowhere I’d rather be. But at least we have this. How did you—” I glanced around, indicating the dream.

“The mind is nearly as interesting as the soul,” Ciarán remarked, still not reappearing, but his voice was a gentle reminder that we weren’t alone.

A light blush worked over Nix’s cheeks at having just made out in front of the Celt, but she didn’t pull away. “Ciarán has been practicing linking souls since you left. We wanted to surprise you.” Nix’s fingers played with my hair, her touch soothing me and settling the raging storm inside.

“Thought you might appreciate a pick-me-up. And I’m leaving now… as much as I can anyway. Not that I’d want to watch this.” I could almost see the man’s shudder. He truly did perceive Nix as his sister, despite his pretend flirting to drive my brothers insane. “You two behave. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t… you know what? That doesn’t really work in this scenario. If it was Rini, I’d—”

“I think I’d be shocked over the few things you wouldn’t do,” I interjected dryly, even as I tightened my hold on Nix.

Ciar gasped in afront. “My sweet little python, you wound me.”

“Ciar,” Nix barked, gently but firmly.

“Right. Toodles, my dears.”

We both waited for a moment, and when it seemed we were as alone as we could get, I swooped in to Copyright 2016 - 2024