Changed by Fire (Phoenix Rising #6) - Harper Wylde Page 0,117

butt off like Killian was doing right now.

I giggled as I watched the hoard of hybrid children attacking him in the fresh powder, pelting him with flying snowballs. It looked like they’d had a competition to see who could make the biggest one, and ice and snow rained down on my surly Celt who happened to be wearing a big grin.

Falling back in the snow, he acted as though he was losing, letting the kids squeal with delight that they were able to take down the big Puca. They jumped atop him, wrestling and playing as they scooped snow over him, attempting to bury him in the drifts.

“Look!” he shouted when he spotted me, trying to distract the kids from smashing more snowballs against this broad chest. “It’s Nix! Get her!”

My mouth dropped open before I sent him a mischievous glare that promised revenge. With happy giggles, the kids hurried to make more snowballs and began lobbing them in my direction.

Splat! I shrieked as a snowball blasted past my face, landing with a thud against the log front of the hotel.

“You little stinkers!” I laughed and dropped behind a snowbank to make my own snowballs, cursing when my Phoenix’s heat melted the snow in my hands. Sucking in a breath, I pulled it back to the place where the magic lived inside me. I shivered, my hands now ice-cold as I packed a tight ball of slush and powder. I felt triumphant when it stuck together and didn’t turn to water between my fingers.

Suddenly, their giggles grew quiet as they tried to contain them, and I strained to catch Killian’s low murmurs, though I couldn’t hear what he was telling them. The traitor! He was conspiring against me. Some mate.

I quickly scooped more snow, making the biggest snowball I could—one reserved just for him.

Taking a breath, I prepared for battle, unsure what my strategy should be. If I headed to the left or right, I might stand a chance of sneaking past them just enough to get the upper hand, however carrying all of my ammunition would prove problematic. Deciding it was best to hold my ground, especially with the lodge at my back, I popped up and fired the first shot.

“Gotchya!” The snowball landed short, bursting apart across Aaron’s shoes. He quickly held out his hand, using his magic to try and reform the snowball. I knew Theo had been working with him to develop his power over water, which included snow and ice. Aaron had been doing well with water, but he couldn’t do much with the substance in other forms like Theo could.

The snow shook under his effort, and he eventually gave up and used his hands to scoop the pieces back together while his friends covered his back.

Snowballs hit me in the shoulder, leg, and stomach, and while some flew past, these kids had remarkable aim. I made sure to miss more shots than I landed, all the while keeping an eye out for the surly Celt who was suspiciously missing.

A wild giggled alerted me a second before a big handful of snow was shoved down the collar of my jacket. I squealed noisily, the sound loud enough to echo off the mountains and cause an avalanche. I blushed, even while I squirmed, jumping around to get the snow out of my clothing.

“Killian! I’m going to kill you for that!” I reached around and pulled my jacket away from my body, hoping the slush along my warm skin would slip out of my shirt.

Killian laughed, his amusement sparkling in his lively green eyes. His cheeks were ruddy, and his nose was rosy red as well, chapped from the cold. It was so rare when he smiled and played like this that I wanted to eat it up, even as I pretended to be mad at him. Around kids, Killian was a different person. Their innocence was unspoiled, their hearts pure. I’d never really given it much thought before, but Killian would make an amazing father. It was shocking to me that he’d almost denied himself that chance. My heart squeezed.

Until recently, I’d rarely considered what it would be like to become a mother, but it’s funny how staring down a war made you think about your future. While I wasn’t nearly ready for the step, I’d be lying if I said I couldn't see myself having a little, red-haired child like Killian or carrying Hiro’s baby in my belly. I’d be so proud to bear their Copyright 2016 - 2024