Change My Mind - Ali Parker Page 0,80

going to leave it up or down. I needed to find the dress first.

I went back to my suite, changed into some jeans and a sweater, and was about to call a cab when I saw Chase’s driver, Dwayne. “Are you ready?” he asked.

“Me? Am I ready?”


“Are you driving me?”

“I am.”

“Oh, then I’m ready.”

He smiled and pushed open the door for me. I was really feeling like royalty. He drove me to a boutique that was located in a small mall filled with a variety of upscale stores. It was way out of my budget. I almost stopped myself from going in. I felt out of place.

“I’ll be waiting,” Dwayne said, urging me to get out of the SUV.

I climbed out and went into the mall, feeling like an intruder. It took me back to my childhood. We were poor. My friends shopped at the exclusive stores like it wasn’t a big deal. They flashed their parents’ credit card and bought what they wanted. I always felt like the salesclerks were watching me, making sure I didn’t steal anything. I didn’t look like my friends and I didn’t dress like them. That was what I felt like now.

I found the boutique and tried the door, only to find it was locked. Disappointment flooded me. I should have known it wasn’t real. I was clearly in the wrong place. Before I made a bigger fool of myself, I turned to rush back to the waiting SUV.

“Wait,” I heard a woman say.

I stopped and turned to find a tall, leggy brunette looking at me. “Me?” I asked.

“You’re the one Chase Adams sent over?”

“I’m the one.”

“Come on in.”

“Are you closed?”

She waved a hand. “Chase asked if I would reserve the store just for you alone. It isn’t like we have a booming business just yet. I was happy to oblige. I could have had the usual girl run the store, but when he made the request, I had to meet you.”

I was feeling very self-conscious. “I’m Harper Lincoln.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Harper. I’m Tawny Lassiter, the owner of this fine establishment. Actually, the owner of all of it.”

“You own the mall?”

“I do,” she said with a smile. “I’m still working on filling the spaces. If you build it, they will come, right?”


“Come in, come in. Let’s see what would look good on you. You would look good in just about anything but I’m guessing tonight is extra special.”

“Not that special,” I said.

She wasn’t listening to me. She moved around the store, pulling dresses before putting them back on the rack. “I heard the grand opening was a huge success.”

“Chase really did well.”

She made a snorting sound. “Yeah, Chase did really well. In hiring you.”


“I know who you are. Everyone in town knows who you are. You’re the magician behind that resort having such a successful opening.”

“No, it wasn’t just me.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, please don’t play the shrinking violet with me. We are strong women trying to kick ass in the corporate world. Be a bulldog. Fight, and when you win, you bask in that glory. Chase never would have had such success without your help.”

I wanted to throw my shoulders back and accept the accolades. “I appreciate the kind words.”

“It’s the truth. I’m guessing that’s why he is giving you this special little treat.”

“He wants me to go to some thing tonight,” I said, trying to play it off.

She looked at me like I was crazy. “Some thing? This is the biggest thing. This is all those rich assholes rubbing elbows and trying to figure out who made more money this year and how much money they are going to make next year.”

“Are you going?”

“You’re damn straight I am,” she answered. “I have to play with the big boys if I want to be one of the big boys.”

“I understand,” I said, knowing it could be difficult to play in the big leagues.

“All right, now, I like black, but you have dark hair. You might look better in something red. A sultry siren.”

“I like black. I prefer black. It’s slimming.”

“Why would you want to slim that body?” she asked, leaning back and openly ogling me.

I fought the urge to cover myself. “I, uh, I like black.”

“You’re right. You’ll look amazing in black with that milky-white skin. You need some sparkle.” She pulled off a dress that looked about three sizes too small and thrust it toward me.

“This is too small.”

“This is perfect,” she said.

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