Change My Mind - Ali Parker Page 0,20

the restaurant. It was empty, of course. I walked into the kitchen and found the chef barking orders at one of his underlings.

“Are you ready to serve those samples?” I asked.

“Yes, five minutes,” he responded tersely.

I moved through the kitchen, inspecting the fresh ingredients. “These are too soft,” I said, handling a few avocados.

“They are perfect,” the chef argued.

“These people want avocado toast. They don’t want mush slimed over their bread.”

“They are perfect, and these are not the avocadoes that will be served to the paying guests,” he snapped. “These will be used by then.”

I was skeptical, but I reminded myself he was the three-star chef. I was just the guy who liked to eat food. I lifted the lid on a pot simmering on the stove and promptly had my hand slapped.

“What is this?” I asked.

“It is the chicken tortilla soup,” he said with exasperation.

“Can I taste it?”

“You can taste it when I deliver the tasting menu to your table. You told me one o’clock. That is thirty minutes away. You will get the chance to sample all the main courses. I’ve only prepared a few of the sides. You hired me to be the chef. This is my kitchen. I will cook what I know is good. Isn’t that what you are paying me to do?”

I was going to be running the resort myself if I kept hovering over all of my employees. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ll leave you alone.”

“Thank you,” he said and gently turned me around and gave me a solid push toward the door.

I walked out, not feeling too guilty for meddling. I couldn’t explain it, but I needed to impress Harper. I wanted her to see I’d grown up and was really good at something. I had not been able to impress her in our youth.

She’d grown into a fine woman. A successful woman. I supposed it was the caveman inside me needing to come out, beating my fists against my chest and proving I could be a real success. All those hours she spent tutoring me were not for nothing.

I used what she taught me and put it to work for me.

Chapter 9


I was so glad I had Parker with me. She was my buffer. No way would I have agreed to have lunch with Chase if she wasn’t there. It would be too weird.

I found myself paying a little more attention to how I looked than I cared to admit. I didn’t want to primp for him, but after seeing him again, it just seemed natural. He was so damn gorgeous.

He’d changed. He was broader, more chiseled, and had the body of a man. The lanky teenager body was long gone. I didn’t know if it was possible, but he even looked taller. Adonis was a very apt description of the boy I once loved. He was definitely not a boy anymore.

“Ready?” I asked Parker.

She was still smiling. I was happy I could be a part of the reason she was smiling. “This place is crazy. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine I could ever be in a place like this. I have to send pictures to everyone.”

“Not yet,” I told her. “Remember, this place isn’t open yet. Showing pictures of the unfinished product could hurt.”

“I know, I know, but soon. I want the world to know I got to be one of the VIPs.”

“Let’s get to lunch. This is going to be a working lunch, so bring your thinking cap.”

She rolled her eyes. “You are such a mood killer.”

“We are both getting paid a lot of money to make this thing the best kickoff ever. We don’t have time to be happy.”

After I said it, I realized how ridiculous it sounded. Parker burst into laughter. “Ah, there’s the Harper I know and love.”

I ignored the insult and left our suite. Without Chase watching me, I could take my time soaking it all in. It was a nice place. Better than nice. He had done a really good job and should be very proud of himself. As expected, we did have to stop and ask for directions to the restaurant. The place was sprawling, and with the construction and boxes piled everywhere, it was a little difficult to get my bearings.

When we walked into the restaurant, there was a single table set and ready for guests. A man I had not met before came toward us.

“Hi, you must be Harper and Parker,” he said with a smile.

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