Change My Mind - Ali Parker Page 0,191

was devoid of gifts. “Is it a pony?” he asked with a laugh.

“Not quite,” I replied and lifted the tree skirt and pulled out the envelope I hid under the blue velvet material last night. I handed it to him.

He held it in his hands, looking at me with confusion.

“Open it,” I encouraged. I had been dying to give him the envelope but made myself wait until today. I wanted to give him a gift he would never forget.

He slowly ran his finger under the flap and pulled out the single picture inside. I was fighting the urge to laugh as he turned it to the side and then up and down again. I saw the moment he realized he was staring at an ultrasound picture.

His eyes widened and his face paled.

He looked at me, shaking his head. “No way.”

I nodded. “Yes way. You knocked me up.”

“Seriously?” he exclaimed. “No way.”

I laughed again. “Yes, stud, you did it.”

“I didn’t think it would happen so fast,” he breathed, staring down at the picture.

“Me either. I guess you’re a little more potent than we both suspected.”

“We’re going to have a baby,” he whispered.

“Yes, we are. I hope you haven’t changed your mind. I know we were thinking we had a few months, but I guess fate had other plans.”

“Good. I’m so happy. I’m stunned. Don’t take my lack of words for anything except overwhelming joy.”

I knew he would be happy. He was the one who’d broached the baby subject. We talked about it, and after some discussion, we both agreed we were ready. My doctor said it would take some time for my body to get into a normal cycle after stopping the birth control. Clearly, my ovaries had other plans.

I thought I saw a tear slide down his cheek as he stared at the little nugget growing in my belly. He put the picture down and got to his feet, helping me to stand as well. His arms came around me, hugging me close but not overly tight.

“I love you so much,” he said with emotion in his voice. “I am thrilled to be starting this next chapter of our life together. This is our destiny. I always knew you would be the mother of my children.”

“I’m very happy I get to be the mother of your children.”

“And my wife,” he reminded me.


“Wow,” he said with a nervous laugh. “We’ve got a lot to do. We have to search for a house. We have to decide where we’re going to live. And the resort in Europe? We should put that on hold.”

“Hey,” I said, cupping his face in my hand. “This isn’t going to happen tomorrow. We’ve got some time. It will all work out.”

He smiled, leaning forward to drop a kiss on the tip of my nose. “Yes, it will. I’m going to be the best husband and father you could wish for. You will never want for a thing. I’m going to take care of you.”

“I know you will.”

“This is the best Christmas ever. I thought last Christmas was, but this tops it by a mile.”

I agreed with him. “Until next year,” I said with a laugh. “Next year, it will be our baby’s first Christmas.”

His eyes widened again. “Oh my god, you’re right. I’m going to apologize now, but this baby is going to be spoiled. We have to get a house. I want a huge tree, like the one in the lobby. I want our families there. I want to share our joy.”

“I think that sounds like a great idea. For now, though, I think we should take advantage of the time we have together. Pretty soon, these little moments are going to be few and far between. I want you.”

I reached for his robe and untied the sash. He was naked underneath, just the way I liked him. He untied my robe as well, pushing it off my shoulders. His hand reached for my stomach. “I can’t believe he or she is in there. I can’t wait to meet him or her.”

I kissed him, sharing my excitement for our new lives together. He took my hand and started toward the bedroom.

“I wonder if it will be twins,” he said offhandedly.

It was my turn for my eyes to widen. My hand went to my stomach. The initial fear faded as his firm hand tightened around mine. There was nothing to fear with him beside me.

We could handle anything together.

The End

We need more love! I’m chanting. Are you? Lucky for us… There’s MOAR!

Check out book 1 in the Business of Love Series, Talk Dirty To Me!

A woman in the business of love that’s never been in a real relationship.

Check. That’s me. Nessa Night.

Now I know what you’re thinking. That sounds like a stripper name.

Hold up. Let me explain.

It’s my radio talk-show name. My incognito way of helping the world love deeper and more often.

Though my love life is like a ten-year-old fall leaf trapped between the pages of an old journal. #dramatic

I’m short. Curvy. Average at best.

And I’m a fraud.

For all the advice I give on the air, I have zero experience to back it up. I’m eternally single. Forever alone.

And the only man I’ve ever caught feelings for is one of my callers: Mr No Name.

Much to my surprise, he’s not unknown at all.

The grandson of the great Jack Daniels is my caller, and worse? He’s my brother’s best friend from high school.

Only one way to right these increasingly awkward wrongs.

High school reunion time. He wants in, and I want a date who looks like him.

The only thing off is his advice about love. It’s from Nessa night. Me!

And if he swoons over her (me!) one more time, I’ll have to give in and tell him.

Besides, I’m in the business of love.

If I don’t got this, who does? *Gulp*

Snag your copy HERE!

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About the Author

Ali Parker is a full-time contemporary and new adult romance writer with more than a hundred and twenty books behind her. She loves coffee, watching a great movie and hanging out with her hubs. By hanging out, she means making out. The man is hot. Hello.

She’s a creative at heart and loves coming up with more ideas than any one person should be allowed to access. She lives in Tennessee with her hubs, teenage son, two grown daughters and first grand baby (yes!). Telling a good story that revives hope, reminds us of love and gives a vacation from life is all she’s up to.

Questions, comments or concerns? You can always email her at [email protected].

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The Parker’s Playground

Change My Mind

Copyright © 2020 by Ali Parker

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

The novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and plot are all either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

First Edition.

Editor: Eric Martinez

Cover Designer: Ryn Katryn Digital Art Copyright 2016 - 2024