Change My Mind - Ali Parker Page 0,101

you were planning on doing?”

“No, it was a very, very, very last-minute idea.”

She laughed softly. “I see. That takes a brave person to take on such a challenge.”

“Brave or crazy.”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“To find out if I’m brave or crazy?” I joked.

“Yes, in a way. I want you to work for me. I need an expert like yourself to get the merchandising up and running for my mall.”

I blinked. “Wow, I’m flattered. Really, truly flattered.”

It was a dream job. I liked Tawny and I loved the idea of working in a mall like hers. It would be similar to what I did before Chase came along. I liked the excitement of merchandising for several stores. There was a lot of creativity and excitement. But something told me to hold back.

“You are very good at what you do. I like what I see here, and I like your work ethic. That’s the kind of person I want on my team.”

“Thank you, truly, but I’m under contract here through the first of the year.”

“That’s fine. I wouldn’t be ready to do anything until after that anyway.”

I couldn’t explain why, but I was holding back. This was the job I wanted to land, and now that it was staring me in the face, I was balking. “Can I have some time to think about it? It’s a great offer—it really is—and I would love to work for you, but I need to consider it first.”

“Absolutely. I would want you to make a decision that you are comfortable with. I don’t want you jumping into a job because you feel like it’s the only option. I want you to be happy with your decision.”

“I appreciate that. I’m not sure if I’m going to stay in Vail. My home is in Boulder.”

She shrugged. “Vail suits you. You would be paid enough to afford the housing around here, which is ridiculously overpriced in my opinion.”

I agreed with her. I had been doing some checking, knowing my time at the resort ended with my contract. “It is a beautiful city and I do love it here. I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this.”

“Well, here it is. I won’t pressure you, but please do think about it.”

“I absolutely will. I have to admit my brain is fried from all the work on the fair. I will definitely take some time once I’ve been able to sleep.”

We finished our drinks and she excused herself, claiming she had another appointment. I walked her out and imagined she probably had a hot date. She was a beautiful woman and something about her just exuded sex appeal. Men would be falling all over themselves for the chance to date her.

I looked at the big clock in the lobby. It was just after eight. My workaholic side told me to go back to the office and get back to work. My exhausted side was begging for a hot bath and sleep. The exhausted side won. I headed for my room, ready to call it a day. As I passed by the tree in the lobby, I stopped and stared up at it.

After the first of the year, the tree would be gone and so would I. My contract was up on January second. Chase never really mentioned it, but it was a fact. I was going to miss the hotel and him. I walked away from the tree and moved to the elevators. There was no way I could take the stairs. I didn’t have the energy.

I wondered what it would be like when it came time to say goodbye. I told myself not to get emotionally attached, and I didn’t feel like I was head over heels in love with him, but I did enjoy my time here. I did like hanging out with him. I was going to be sad on the last day. It was one of the reasons I wasn’t sure I wanted to stay in Vail. I didn’t know if I could handle being so close to him and the resort I felt like I’d helped build with my bare hands. It would be tough to be an outsider.

I filled the beautiful jacuzzi tub with water, dumping in some of the bubbles that were complimentary in every room. The scent of lavender washed over me, almost immediately calming my frayed nerves. I stripped, lit the single candle I had, and slid into the water. I closed my eyes and let the jets massage my aching body. It Copyright 2016 - 2024