Change of Heart - By S.E. Edwards Page 0,59

you think I am, Penny! Because my whole life, I’ve always prided myself on being in control. But when I’m around you, all that falters. Everything fails. And I find that I can’t… keep anything… in check.”

I roll my eyes and plant my fists on my hips. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about—this.”

Without seeming to move, he closes the space between us. Before I know what’s happening, his mouth crashes into mine. My lips part, and he kisses me with a fiery passion. His tongue finds its way past my defenses, and I’m left helpless, absorbed by the power of his kiss.

He pulls me into him, his hands tugging on my waist, forcing my body to adapt to his. I love the feeling. Some part of my mind is screaming at me to resist, but I mute it ruthlessly. My insides boil with the passion Rich’s kiss evokes.

It doesn’t take long for me to return his kiss just as hard, just as hungrily. This is the release. This is the outlet for all our pent-up emotions. The sexual tension between us has been growing since he’d rescued me. I’d just been blind to it before. Right now, it is nuclear. Overpowering. Overwhelming. All-encompassing.

When Rich finally lets me go, I feel like an avalanche has just swept me off my feet. I’m dizzy. Lightheaded. My cheeks are flushed and my entire body is trembling from the rush of adrenaline.

“You don’t know,” Rich says softly, “how long I’ve been waiting to do that.”

I take too long to respond. My thoughts are mushy. I just stare at him like an idiot. There is not enough blood left in my brain to think.

All I know is the crushing desire I feel for him at that moment. I want his hard body against mine. I want his hot flesh against my skin. I open my mouth to say something… and end up giggling like a schoolgirl.

Rich smirks, and kisses me again. My hands run over his back. I love the tightness of his muscles beneath my fingers. I love the clean scent of his sweat. I reach up to curl my fingers in his hair. His hands rush to lift the sweater over my head, and I break from his kiss for the split-second it takes to do so.

The next thing I know, he’s pressing me backward. I try not to stumble as I will my legs to move. He pushes me against the cold, rough wall. His tongue continues to dance with mine. I want him to never let me go. I’m filled with a giddy, nervous sort of excitement as I feel his growing erection through the thick fabric of his jeans. All I know is the intense passion of the moment.

My hands dart to his jeans, and my fingers stumble over the button holding them together. Rich is still kissing me, exploring the insides of my mouth with such wanton abandon that I cannot doubt he wants me every bit as much as I want him. He kisses me like a man possessed by his need for a woman. I give myself to him for the taking.

With no warning, he pushes away from me. A rush of cool air runs over my abdomen where his body had just been. I nearly cry out with the loss.

“No,” Rich says. “No. I shouldn’t be doing this.”

My mind protests in alarm. What? “Rich—”

“I’m not good for you, Penny,” he interrupts. His eyes meet mine. I can see the fire raging in them. “Do you understand me? I shouldn’t—can’t—be doing this. After what I’ve done, I don’t deserve you.”

“Rich, I…” I what? How can I explain the desperate need throbbing through me for him? How can I explain the way every single cell in my body wants nothing more than to be surrounded by his strength again? How—

“Don’t talk. Just listen.” He turns away, leaning into the punching bag with his forehead in a defeated stance. “I have a weakness for you, Penny. I told you that. I let you stay when I should have sent you hundreds of miles away. You can’t be with me anymore. Every hour you spend with me puts you in deeper and deeper danger. I let you stay when I should have forced you to go. It was stupid.” He punches the bag. “Selfish.” Another punch. “And just fucking wrong. And now I forced myself on you like some, some animal.” He accentuates the word by jabbing the bag Copyright 2016 - 2024