Change of Heart - By S.E. Edwards Page 0,53

to get away from them.”


“Yup. Who knows if I should be telling you this…” she lowers her voice conspiratorially, “but I don’t think Rich will mind. Did he tell you who his father is?”

“No.” I pause. “Though I know they didn’t get along.”

Amanda scoffs. “That’s putting it lightly. Richard hates his father. And he has good reason to. He grew up in a broken home.”

“What do you mean?”

“His mother died… Wait. Do you know about her?”

I nod. “Rich told me she passed away.”

“I thought so. If he told you about his dad, he must have mentioned his mom. He has no reason to keep her secret. Anyway, she died when he was young. He says he doesn’t remember her. I think he does, but locks the memories up somewhere.” Amanda shrugs. “But what do I know? That’s not the point, anyway.”

I’m not really following. “What is the point?”

“Only this: His mother died under suspicious circumstances.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, Richard’s father was a wealthy, well-connected man. He never married Richard’s mother. The year she died, his father campaigned to become Governor of New York. He didn’t win. But because he was never married, yet had kids with her, his opponents ran a smear campaign. His political district was very conservative in those days. They wanted a Governor with strong family values, an unwavering belief in God, and all that other bullshit.” Amanda makes a dismissive gesture. “The mother of his children was his weakness. To win his electoral back, he made grand pronouncements about marrying Richard’s mother. As damage control, of course.

“She came from an unknown family,” Amanda continues. “Richard showed me a picture of her once. She was beautiful. Yet to his father, she was nothing more than another pretty face.” Amanda pauses, and takes a deep breath. “A month before the wedding she goes missing. A week later, her body is found in a ditch. Police never solved the crime.”

“And Rich suspects his father was involved?” I ask, incredulous.

“Of course. Think of the timing. His father did not want to marry. It wasn’t like he could marry her and get a divorce later—not if he won the election. It would crush his hopes for a second term. But a kidnapping, a murder? It was the perfect solution for his problem. He’d be rid of the woman he didn’t want around, and gain sympathy from the public at the same time.” Amanda looks at me. “Quite clever of him, I’d say.”

“Yeah, if you’re a raving sociopath.” I shake my head. “I don’t believe it. If it’s so obvious to you and Rich, why didn’t the police catch on?”

“Oh, but you underestimate the power of money. Richard’s father had a lot. He also had friends in high places. The investigation was a sham. All the proper bribes were put in place to make sure of it.”

“That’s horrible!” I exclaim.

“Now you see why Richard and his father don’t get along. That was just one of many incidences.”

“You don’t mean he killed other people?”

Amanda shakes her head. “No. Don’t be stupid. But he had plenty of dealings with unsavory types.” She lowers her voice. “And he never killed Richard’s mother. That’s just our suspicion.”

I nod slowly. I don’t know how much of this to believe, but on the whole, Amanda seems genuine. It wouldn’t be easy for her to make up a story like that on the spot.

I think I’m starting to understand her, a little bit. When she is playing the part of the jaded ex-lover, she probably tells the truth. But when it comes to the circumstances surrounding her breakup with Rich,… well, who wouldn’t try to make herself look better in that situation?

“Okay then,” I say. “What else?”

“What else?” Amanda chuckles. “That should be reason enough for anybody to hate their father.”

“You said Rich grew up in a broken home.”

Amanda leans toward me. “That much is true. After his mother died, a parade of women started visiting his father. All his… mistresses.” Amanda grimaces. “It kept up until Richard left. Hell, it probably continues to this day.”

So Amanda doesn’t know his farther is in jail. “Interesting.”

“He never made time for Richard, either. It was either his work, or his women. You can see how a boy growing up in an environment like that can become spiteful.”

“Yeah. What happened to prompt Rich to finally leave, though?”

“He didn’t tell you?”


Amanda bites her lip. “I don’t doubt he would if you ask…” she trails off and glances at the clock. “But I’ve got Copyright 2016 - 2024