Change of Heart - By S.E. Edwards Page 0,47

eyebrows go up. “She’s that fond of you?”

Rich runs a hand through his hair. “I don’t know if ‘fond’ is the right word. If she wants something, she does all she can to get it. Especially if she feels she’d been slighted in the past.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I was the one to break things off with her. She was too possessive, too… jealous. We didn’t make a good pair.”

“How long did you date?”

“Just a few months. But you should have seen her when I told her we shouldn’t be together. She went ballistic. She threw glasses and plates at me, even tried stabbing me with a fork. When I came to my apartment the next day, I found all my clothes shredded to pieces. She left the scissors on top of the pile. I had to change my locks after that.”

“Wow.” I feel a little less easy about staying in a house with someone like that. “She doesn’t sound particularly stable.”

“She can be histrionic at times,” Rich admits. “But she’s got a good heart. She was only doing what she thought was best.”

“How is cutting up your clothes ‘doing what’s best?’” I ask, the disagreement clear in my voice.

“What’s best for her,” Rich amends. “But as long as you don’t provoke that side of her, she’s usually a sweetheart.”

“I can tell,” I say dryly. “And she obviously still has a thing for you, huh?”

Rich tilts his head forward in the barest nod. “Can you keep a secret?”

“I’ve come this far with you, haven’t I? Without telling anyone? I’d say I’m pretty good at that type of thing.”

Rich smiles. “Good point. Like I was saying, when we broke up, she felt cheated. Like she got the short end of the stick. She told me that she loved me…” Rich sighs, “…but I never said the words back. The truth is, I’ve never had feelings strong enough about anyone to feel that way. I take those types of things very seriously, and don’t just profess my love to whoever is the flavor of the month—” He stops and grimaces. “Wait. That came out wrong.”

“No, no, I get it,” I say. “After my first boyfriend—who I thought I loved—I feel the same way. Saying you love someone isn’t something that should be taken lightly.” My mind flashes back to that scene I’d found in my teacher’s classroom. “Ever.”

“Right,” Rich nods. “You’re smarter than I gave you credit for.”

“Well, who said I wasn’t smart?”

“I did,” Rich smiles, “when you decided to stick with me instead of running away.”

I throw a pillow at him playfully. He ducks out of the way and laughs. “Don’t get too cocky,” I warn. “After everything that’s happened, it’s not like you left me with many options.”

Rich’s good humor dies. “You’re right,” he says solemnly. “I’m sorry for that. In the end, I will make this right. I promise.”

“That’s a hefty promise to keep,” I say. I consider things for a moment. “Although I think you’ll do your best to try.”

“I will.”

The conversation lulls for a bit. Then I speak up. “So, you were saying? About Amanda?”

“Oh. Right. Well, the truth is…” Rich lowers his voice, “…I took her virginity.”

I’m taken aback by the nonchalant way he says it. “I don’t know if that was your secret to tell.”

Rich shrugs. “I didn’t like the way she treated you. Knowing that, maybe it will help you understand some of her behaviors toward me. Toward you.”

“It does put things in a new perspective,” I admit.

“You won’t tell her I said anything?”

I bristle. “What? Of course not.” I shake my head. “Do you even need to ask?”

“Just making sure.”

“Rich, you gave me a free pass to leave you and go to the cops. I decided not to. That was a much bigger secret to keep than this.”

“You’re right.” Rich turns toward the door. “I think I hear Amanda calling. You ready to eat?”

Chapter Nine

Dinner passes quickly and without incident. True to her word, Amanda plays the perfect hostess. I do my best to smile and avoid provoking her. I don’t even comment on the obvious way she keeps eyeing Rich the entire time.

It’s late by the time dinner winds down. Everyone is tired. Rich settles down on an armchair and falls asleep. Amanda goes to her own room, and I lay down on the bed she’d originally intended for Rich.

Whatever I do, however, I cannot find a comfortable position on the mattress. Maybe it’s the uncertainty of everything going on around me. Copyright 2016 - 2024