Change of Heart - By S.E. Edwards Page 0,11

feels to be inside me. How turned on I make him feel. I lose myself in the feeling of his straining body beneath me, in the sharp scent of him that fills the air. Soon his words fade into muffled curses as he becomes absorbed by the pleasure I’m giving back.

I draw him deep into my heat. He reaches up to pull my hair back, forcing me to arch over him, exposing my tender breasts. I cry out as he takes my hips and thrusts into me, impaling my insides again and again with his immense length.

I can feel the pressure building inside, and know that I’m close to the edge. I ride him with a feral ferocity, determined to reach the heights of pleasure with him. Rich is stretching me to my very limit. I welcome him deep inside.

“Jesus,” he gasps. “Jesus, Penny, I’m going to come.” Rich grabs my hips and holds me tight above him, then pounds into me at a feverish pace. I cry out in frantic gasps, my body protesting the invasion, my mind welcoming it dearly. I hang onto his shoulders, not knowing how much more I can handle.

I’m blindsided by the ferocity of the orgasm that hits me. It sweeps me along its massive wave of destruction. Heat from Rich’s body explodes at the same time, shooting into me, leaving me raw and breathless.

I lose myself in the throes of passion, claimed victim by the deep assault of our synchronous orgasms. I collapse and wrap my arms around him, cradling his head, holding him tight as the remainder of the crest washes over me. I feel him shudder beneath me. He trembles once, twice, and is still.

I’m left barren, absolutely empty, the hot body beneath me my only remaining grip on reality. I fold into Rich, forgetting all my worries as I lie satiated in my pleasure and the feeling of the man lying beneath me.

Chapter Three

A bang from somewhere in the dark startles me from my sleep. My eyes shoot open. My whole body tenses when I remember where I am. Not at home. I’m in an unfamiliar bed. In… Rich’s apartment.

That understanding comes quick but I don’t have time to dwell on it. My thoughts are interrupted by another loud bang. It sounds like someone knocking on the door.

Bang-bang-bang! Bang-bang-bang!

Yes, I can definitely hear it now. There’s no mistaking what it is. But who would be knocking at this hour?

I glance over at the slumbering male next to me. He has one arm over his eyes, the other hanging off the edge of the mattress. He looks stunning, even in the dark. His entire upper body is exposed, and his skin is prickled from the cold. I watch his chest rise and fall with the deep breaths of a contented sleep.


The sound jolts me from my reverie. I put a hand on Rich’s shoulder to shake him awake. “Rich?” I say. “Rich, I think there’s someone here.”

“Hmm?” he groans, half-asleep. He rolls away from me, fluffing up the pillow beneath his cheek. He mumbles something indistinctive that sounds a lot like, “Go back to sleep.”

Bang-bang-bang! Bang-bang-bang!

“Rich, don’t you hear that?” I ask, starting to feel a little uneasy. That knocking… it doesn’t sound friendly.

Bang-bang-bang-bang! Bang-bang-bang-bang-BANG!

“Rich, seriously.” I shake him harder. “There’s someone at the door!”

He sits up, running a hand through his hair, and looks at me sleepily. “Penny,” he says, “why can’t you just go back to slee—”

Bang-bang-bang-BANG! Bang-bang-bang-BANG!

His eyes widen as he finally picks up on the knocking. He’s out of bed in a flash. “Shit,” he curses. “Shit, shit, shit!”

“What is it?” I bring the covers to my chest in a defensive motion, like a small girl trying to hide from monsters in the night. The knocking grows louder in the background.

Rich fumbles for his jeans, and pulls them on quickly. He looks around for something on the floor, then, finding it, picks it up and tosses it to me. My clothes. “Put those on,” he hisses as he ducks through the collar of his shirt.

I clutch my clothes to my breasts, too afraid to move. I’m freaked out by his reaction. “Who is that? Rich, do you know who that is?” My voice shakes as the banging becomes even louder. BANG-BANG-BANG! BANG-BANG-BANG! “What do they want?”

“Never mind. And keep your voice down! I don’t want them to know I’m inside.”

“You weren’t expecting anybody?”

“No, I wasn’t expecting anybody,” Rich snaps, glowering at me. I shrink back, all of Copyright 2016 - 2024