Chances Are - By Christy Reece Page 0,12

bouquets purchased every day. It’d be damn hard to trace every one of them.” Noah lifted his shoulders in a shrug, his dark expression showing his frustrations with the lack of knowledge. “Hell, we’re not even sure how the flowers get delivered.”

“Could be that’s how he’s getting inside,” Justin said.

Noah nodded. “That’s why the news outlets released the information about the roses. Even though it pissed off the entire flower industry, women need to be aware that he may be posing as a flower delivery person.”

In her usual direct way, Riley said, “So what’s the plan? How are we going to trap him?”

Noah stood and pulled down a map of London attached to the wall. “With ten of you and four targeted sections, we’re going to put two teams in one section and one each in the other three sections. You’ll make yourself as approachable and visible as possible but not so much that he suspects you’re anything other than a possible victim.”

“So this is basically a fishing expedition,” Aidan said.

“Right now, all we can do is fish. Bait the hook with what he desires most and then hopefully catch him.”

“And if he does take another victim before he kills the one he already has?” Shea asked.

If possible, Noah’s expression became grimmer. “Unfortunately, it may come down to allowing an abduction to take place. We’ll have to wait and see. If he takes the bait and we believe he still has a victim…” He shrugged. “The scenario will have to remain fluid. You’ll be issued jewelry with tracers in them. If you have to be taken, we’ll track and find you. And hopefully save another victim.”

Hands pressed against the table, Noah leaned forward and targeted each female operative with a hard, telling look. “That does not mean putting yourself in dire danger. If it comes down to a fight for survival, you take the bastard down, without hesitation. Understand?”

The room went strangely silent as if everyone was absorbing the gravity of the upcoming mission.

Angela felt Eden stiffen beside her. “I’m assuming we’re doing our usual pairing off but where’s Jake’s partner?”

If she had expected Noah to announce that Angela was now a field operative or Jake to proudly proclaim that she was his partner, she would have been sorely disappointed. Both men looked pointedly at her, waiting for her to make the announcement. That was fine with her. Though she had proven her worth numerous times with intel and obscure information it might take someone years to uncover, she had yet to prove herself in the field. But, as she did with everything else in her life, she was eager for the challenge.

Determined to sound casually professional as if it was a foregone conclusion, Angela put just the right amount of confidence in her tone as she announced, “I’m Jake’s partner.”

Shocked silence followed and then the room exploded with protests.

Jake took in everyone’s reaction. The other operatives were going through what he had felt when he heard the news—shock and disbelief. But no matter his concerns, which he couldn’t say were without prejudice, McCall had faith in Angela’s abilities. The LCR leader would never put Angela at risk if he didn’t think she could handle the mission.

As the operatives stated their objections, Jake watched Angela. When she announced that she was to be on the op, her voice had been filled with confidence and pride. Now, as the protests continued, he could see that self-assurance quickly eroding. Though he knew everyone’s opposition came from concern and affection for Angela, he didn’t like seeing her confidence shattered. She would have to prove herself like any other operative but as far as he knew, not one of them had endured this type of trial before they went on a mission.

Jake surged to his feet, immediately catching everyone’s attention. Using the commanding tone he had perfected in the Army, he said, “Angela is a highly trained LCR operative. McCall put her on the case because he knew she could handle it.” He dug deep and added, “I’m happy to be working with her.”

He glanced over at McCall, whose face remained impassive but Jake saw an approving gleam in his dark eyes. No doubt this was what the man had been waiting for. If McCall had announced his support first, it would have weakened Jake’s own claim.

Angela’s expression was the one that worried him. She looked as though he’d just awarded her a coveted prize. He didn’t regret voicing his support but that didn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024