Chance Encounter - Jerry Cole Page 0,8

I looked around my room. Gray slept hard beside me, and I took that chance to take in my boyfriend.

My boyfriend. I never thought it would happen so soon after the breakup. I realized that Gray was the one I was meant to be with, not any of the exes that played through my mind. I rested against my pillows, thinking about the night before.

I sent Becca a text, and she told me that Mari showed up early as a surprise. She asked if we wanted to meet them for breakfast in a couple of hours. I told her that I’d ask Gray when he woke up, and she teased me about falling so fast. Becca knew that I was a relationship guy, but she was the same way and couldn’t criticize me. It ended up hurting us at times, but it was worth it when we were happy.

We ended the text conversation, and I rose to head into the bathroom. I was a bit of an early riser, so I made some coffee. I sat in the living room, reading some things on my phone as a few minutes passed. “Are you here, Hayden?”

“Be right there,” I called. I freshened the coffee and headed back, grinning when I saw him stretching out on my bed. “You are a sight for sore eyes.”

“Are you okay? I woke up alone.” He asked, making me wonder if he worried that I’d leave him.

“I chatted with Becca for a bit and made coffee. Want a sip?” I asked, and he took the cup with a grateful smile. “Her girlfriend got here early. Want to meet them for breakfast?”

“Yeah, that sounds great. Do you work tonight?” He asked, watching me nod slowly.

“I work a lot. My next day off is Monday. I won’t be a wild party animal on Saturday night,” I apologized as he chuckled.

“Nor will I.” Gray sipped the coffee again before kissing me. “Tell her we’re in. Let’s get ready.”

We were close to the same size, so I handed him a shirt to wear with his jeans after a shower. He was ready a bit earlier than I was with my hairstyling, but we made it out the door to drive to the diner in time.

We walked into the small restaurant, and I looked around at the booths. “There they are.” Gray took my hand as we walked to the back table toward the two smiling women. “Mari. It’s good to see you again.” She hopped out of the seat and rushed over to hug me. I introduced her to Gray, and Mari hugged him as well. That led to Becca doing the same before we settled into the large booth to order coffee.

Becca smiled at us, asking what we did the night before. Gray told them about our lunch at Luna’s and the walk after, skipping over the details that followed. I could see that Becca knew by her smile and judging by the way she and Mari were hanging all over each other; they did a bit of the same. Mari was a pretty girl with dark brown silky hair and deep coffee eyes, perfectly complimenting my best friend.

We chatted about everything over breakfast. I thought that Gray got along with both of the girls and looked forward to spending time together. When we finished, Mari and Becca headed to the city to hang out, and I smiled at Gray. “Want to come over?”

“Sure. I can do my work later.” We headed back to my place, making love in bed again. It was Gray’s turn to fuck me, making me moan in pleasure as I thrust back against him. So far, everything was great with this guy. I didn’t want to jinx anything by thinking too far ahead, so I enjoyed the moment.

He left when I went to work. I walked in with a smile on my face, clocking in and bustling around to get my work done. “Why are you so happy?” Helen asked as I winked at her. “Do you have a new boyfriend? Please tell me you didn’t get together with the old one.”

“No. It’s someone new,” I assured her as the woman grinned at me.

“Good.” I did the usual jobs, feeling like I was walking on a cloud. Becca had the next few days off to spend them with Mari, but the other girls at the cart also supplied me with endless caffeine. I felt amped when I got off, texting to see what Gray Copyright 2016 - 2024