Chance Encounter - Jerry Cole Page 0,42

take it. We can work around the changes, and if you want to be in a play, there are other theaters. We’ll figure that out.” I didn’t want to bring up his hours, letting him kiss me.

“I told Bryce that we needed to make good use of our working hours.” I pulled away, looking at him. “It’s great getting paid for my work, but useless when we’re sitting in the studio drinking as he comes up with ideas. I could be home at those times. I told him I had too many clients to waste those hours with him, and he decided to hire someone to help with that. He’d probably spend the same amount of money.”

“I’m impressed,” I told him, kissing him. “I’m going to accept the offer tomorrow.”

“Let’s celebrate,” he suggested, giving me a smoldering look that got me every time. He only used it here at home for that reason.

“Great idea.” I pushed myself up, running to the bedroom as he followed me. The day came full circle with him inside of me, telling me that he loved me. I knew that I loved everyone in this new family in some way, as well as the fact that we weren’t going anywhere.

We stayed there for a couple of hours, holding each other and talking about the future. We had a birthday party in a month and a wedding at the beginning of the Fall, giving everyone something to help plan. I had my own things to plan once that was all over, and my hopes for the future.

The day of the birthday party came, and balloons and streamers covered every surface of Gram’s apartment. By then, Ava was walking and toddled all over to play with this or try to pull that down. Amy picked up the cake at the bakery, and we all took in the pink frosting and flowers on both the guest cake and her cake.

The few friends the girls were close to arrived, and we started eating the easy lunch we all cooked together. Ava had time to do that as well as mingle with the guests. Becca and Mari helped her with opening the gifts of toys and clothing that would fill their apartment, as Ava laughed and threw the paper around.

We strapped her back into her highchair for cake, singing to her as she eyed the treat before her. Once we finished, it was as if something clicked, and she dug into the pink frosting to the chocolate cake underneath it. She ate a few big bites, making a complete mess of herself as we all clapped and cheered.

The girls wiped her down so she could enjoy some more time with everyone. They brought her upstairs for a bath and fresh pajamas before letting her play with some new toys until bed. We left to go downstairs to our place since friends stayed behind to help clean up Gram’s apartment.

“Birthday checked off, and now a wedding,” Gray told me in bed as we dozed off.

“We have a few months until that. I need to worry about the twenty-fifth anniversary of the theater being open,” I groaned, pressing myself into his chest. There was a big open house kind of event that had a caterer and bar, with former actors making an appearance for the party. Ginny made it look easy, but it was everything but easy for me.

Becca helped plan it with me and some of the ladies, hiring decorators and a small instrumental band to play in a corner. The caterers specialized in appetizers and great desserts, which was perfect.

“That’s going to be amazing. You and Becca have great plans for it.” Gray kissed my hair. “I’ll be there supporting you all the way.”

“I know,” I replied, pulling him closer.

Chapter Seventeen


The night of the party came fast between work and family. I was accompanying Gram to the theater that night, along with Jackson and Amy. The baby wasn’t feeling well, so Mari opted to stay home with her.

We walked in to see people walking around to gaze at the wall of pictures from the opening through the present time. This was one of the few theaters that had been active in the US, always presenting plays and bringing guests in. I gazed around to see Hayden chatting with someone, dressed in the suit that we picked up together. “He’s so handsome,” I murmured as Gram followed my gaze.

“Indeed, he is. Love looks good on you two,” she murmured as Amy Copyright 2016 - 2024