Chance Encounter - Jerry Cole Page 0,26

security around the building, starting tomorrow morning. We were just down the street from the police and fire department, so we had that on our side. Gray warned the girls always to be careful walking in, both during the day and at night. Becca was quick to say that went without anyone suggesting it.

“Has she always been that sharp?” He asked once we were inside our apartment.

“Pretty much. She’s always been street smart.” I said as we walked to our apartment. “Want to see Gram?”

“She’s usually feeling a little sad after Jackson leaves. There’s a sad time after the holidays for her.” He smiled. “I’ll check on her later tonight, but first, I need some alone time with my boyfriend. What was it you called me in the car?”

“My true love.” I smiled.

“Let’s seal the deal on that for a while.” We locked the door and went to our bedroom, making love until we dozed off. I had to work that night, showering later than normal and grumbling as I left. Gray went to check on Gram after a goodbye kiss, while I drove to the theater with Becca.

She made me several coffees to get through the night. Everyone was asking me about my holiday, and for the first time in my life, I could say that it was wonderful. It brought me out of my mood as I helped backstage, watching every scene play out. We were finishing one play and moving onto Christmas ones after this to celebrate the season.

“Do you think you’ll try out for something soon?” Kyle asked me backstage as we watched a dance performance.

“I think I will,” I replied, considering my answer. It would mean more time spent at the theater, but not working as I had been. I’d be doing something I loved. Gray would support that because we wouldn’t be avoiding each other. He’d support me.

“A Christmas Story is coming up. That will be a blast.” He smiled, and I nodded in agreement. We were having fun with the first play, moving to something more serious a week before the holiday. I knew I didn’t have to try out if I just went for a small part.

I felt wired after work, and Becca called Mari and Gray to meet as at the diner around the corner for a late dinner. Mari grumbled a bit since she was more of an early bird. Gray was up working anyway, so he drove them to meet us. Becca pulled her into the booth, kissing Mari as her girlfriend playfully grumbled

“I trust that work went well?” Gray asked after we shared a warm kiss.

“It was great. Becca kept making me drink coffee all night.” Gray rolled his eyes. “That’s why you’re here.” I grinned at my best friend. “We’re also starving.”

We chatted about life over the breakfast platters that we ordered, sipping coffee while Mari drank herbal tea. She enjoyed sleeping, and with the way that she worked so hard at the gallery, Mari deserved it. But the way her eyes glowed as she looked at her girlfriend, it was worth it to stay up a little later some nights.

I told Gray about the upcoming play later at home in bed. He assured me that he supported my passion, pulling me close to kiss my hair. “I can’t wait to see you in action.”

“You see me in action all of the time,” I teased him with a firm kiss.

Chapter Eleven


It seemed like December came the day after Thanksgiving, though it was close. Gram and Hayden each wanted fresh trees, and I suggested that we wait to get them. They didn’t like my suggestion of artificial trees that would be unaffected as long as they were up, telling me that that wasn’t a real Christmas tree.

“When did you become such a holiday snob?” I asked Hayden once we were in our apartment.

“Gram told me how much better a fresh tree is. I want the smell and the feel of real pine needles.” He went to the kitchen, dropping the keys on the counter. I had been cutting down trees for Gram since I could hold a hatchet, so I was familiar with her stance. I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it for two trees that would surely turn into three once the girls got the idea in their heads.

“It’s work, and you have to make sure the tree has water. They can be dangerous otherwise.” I followed him into the kitchen for a kiss. Copyright 2016 - 2024