Chance Encounter - Jerry Cole Page 0,24

didn’t have time for more to begin with, and my work on the ones I did have mattered a lot to me.

Hayden came home the following night with news that he was training two new people. They’d replace him and Becca in the extra hours that they’d been working.

Becca said that Vivian was devastated when she told her that we’d no longer be a part of her life. She apologized, saying that she regretted everything. She wanted Ava to know her friends, and Becca and Mari agreed to remain a part of it. They just made it clear that she went too far with me. We saw pictures of the baby on their phones and kept it at that.

The one place that we all met up was dinner with Gram. She loved having adopted granddaughters, and girls in the family, especially since those girls wanted to learn how to cook. Having two boys, she never saw anyone with interest before now.

We also went to the police about the fire, though it wasn’t certain if they could go after Ryan based on his lack of a confession. I was happy that there were cameras all around our building; obtaining access to them through the company would help the police.

Chapter Ten


Within three weeks, I was back to normal hours. Gray tried to schedule his work around my schedule so that we could spend time together.

We also made regular plans with the girls, having lunch or dinner as often as we could. They were learning to cook, and we had no problems being their guinea pigs. Becca learned quite well from Gram, impressing us with her skills. All felt right in the world again as we planned Thanksgiving. Jackson was coming with his new girlfriend, and we tried to figure out how to fit seven people in the apartment for dinner. Gram cooked a feast and had two eager girls to help her this year.

Becca came up with the idea of incorporating all of our homes into the holiday. We could have snacks set up in one, dinner at Gram’s, and desserts at another. Our other option was renting some kind of room, but that would involve transporting food from one place to another. Gram would never not cook the meal.

It felt strange for us to plan a real holiday. We always just cooked something simple or went out to eat. Becca and I felt lonely during most holidays, though we never admitted it. Working at the theater usually gained us a couple of invitations to places that we sometimes took, and other times not.

Now, we were both in relationships and living with our significant others.

Jackson arrived two days before Thanksgiving with his girlfriend, Amy. They were a great couple, and while he was surprised with Becca and Mari’s new presence in Gram’s life, the girls got along well. He was planning to stay with Gram in her guest room for a week, but they managed to drag Amy to their apartment to gossip and watch movies.

“Sorry, man. That’s how they are,” Gray told Jackson as he shrugged.

“She’s moving in at the beginning of the year. I don’t care if she has a little fun.” He grinned, and we sat down to catch up. “How’s Gram?”

“She’s good. I think she’s slowing down more and not going out with her friends as much. Still kicking, though.” Gray shrugged as Jackson frowned. “She’s seventy-three. That’s bound to happen.”

Gram was in her room, taking a nap after all of the excitement of the day.

“I know. I just hate not being here with her,” he softly said as I shared a look with Gray.

“I’m here. Hell, we’re all here for her now. You know I keep you posted.” Gray looked at his cousin, and Jackson nodded. “Let’s make this a happy holiday. She’s so excited about everyone being here.”

The theater was closed from Thursday to Sunday for Thanksgiving weekend. I spent that weekend hanging around the apartments with everyone. The girls went out a lot on their own as Jackson shook his head. Gray had a few small jobs to finish, but he did it from home so we could all be together.

Gram was well-known for meal prep the Wednesday before, and her kitchen was crowded with helpers. I sipped beer and listened to the laughter that filled the apartment, feeling the love in the room. I never felt like this on a holiday before this, and I knew that Becca felt the same way.

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