Chance Encounter - Jerry Cole Page 0,17

and fill the house. My friends loved her in Oregon, but she moved here when Grandpa died. She’s made just as many friends here.” I smiled as I thought back to my childhood. “I wouldn’t leave her for anything.”

“I appreciate that,” he told me before leaning in for a kiss.

We had breakfast the next morning with Mari and Becca. They both looked devastated about Mari’s flight that evening, asking us about the pregnant mother once they knew that we met her.

“Vivian is twenty-one and single, but strong. She was working full-time when the accident happened and living with her mom to save some money. I liked her.” I wiped my face with a napkin as Hayden nodded beside me.

“Are you going to visit her again?” Becca asked, reaching for her coffee. Her eyes were red from crying, and Hayden assured me that she’d be a wreck for the next two days. The good news was that Mari had some good leads on local jobs.

“Probably. She’s nice and they’re all alone unless her mom isn’t working. They both work a lot,” Hayden offered as Mari looked fascinated.

“The baby’s okay?” She asked, and I nodded.

“They are keeping her in the hospital for observation, but so far they’re both fine. She said that something ran in front of the car and she swerved. She felt horrible.” I sipped my coffee and looked out of the window.

“That’s crazy. I wanted to kill her when I first saw you on the ground.” Becca shook her head as her eyes flashed. “I didn’t know what happened.”

“Vivian mentioned that.” Hayden and I smiled at each other, relieved that the accident wasn’t intentional.

We parted ways so they could spend a few hours alone after long hugs. I could tell that Mari and I bonded and that Becca liked me with her best friend.

Hayden had to work that night, so we spent most of the afternoon at his place. We were in bed when I mentioned that I’d like us to spend more time at my apartment since Jackson went home. It made me feel better to be close to her in case anything happened, and he agreed. Since I lived a bit further away from the theater, he planned to drive and just come over after work. If we went anywhere, I’d drive and meet him there.

That first night felt strange as I got dinner ready for his arrival. I knew we ate quickly before his shift, and that he’d be hungry. I ordered Thai to be delivered just as he was due to arrive, feeling a bit hungry even though Gram cooked dinner for me.

I went to the outside door when I saw him arrive, letting him in with a smile and a kiss. “How was work?”

“Packed.” We walked to the apartment, and he inhaled as we walked inside. “Is that Thai food that I smell?”

“I thought you might be hungry. You just ate a sandwich earlier.” I shrugged, and he kissed me.

“That smells amazing. Thank you.” He set his keys and a backpack down on the table, looking around. “Gram’s good?”

“She misses Jackson, but yes.” He smiled. “They’re close. Everyone pretty much loves her, but they are especially close.”

“I could tell.” We grabbed plates and beer, sitting on the couch to eat while watching TV. “It’s weird being here, but I think I like your place better.” Hayden shrugged. “I like being here, and at Becca’s, more than my place. Is that bad?”

“You just enjoy being with us,” I assured him, sipping my beer after a smile. A thought crossed my mind, giving me pause for a moment. “How much is your rent?”

“Nine hundred. Why?” He asked, shooting me a curious look.

“Is that a lot of your paycheck?” I pressed as he frowned at me before understanding crossed his face.

“Are you asking me to move in?” Hayden asked as a flush crossed my cheeks.

“I think I am.” His mouth dropped open as he tried to think about what to say. “I like you here. I love you.”

“We’re still new,” he protested as I shrugged.

“You work and you’ll be near Becca. I work from home and take care of Gram. It will work out.” He seemed scared, and I reached over to cover his hand with mine. “I love you, Hayden.”

“I love you.” He smiled and kissed me. “I’ll talk to my landlord. Is there enough room in here?”

“Sure. Isn’t your place furnished?” I asked. He nodded. “You just have clothes to move, and there’s room for Copyright 2016 - 2024