The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,81

let her sleep.

His sleep schedule was a mess. Neither she nor Luykas ever knew when Bryn would be in or out. He was always disappearing for his secret meet-ups with his scouts. They didn’t publicize where he met them, and he told very few. Not even she knew. If the information leaked, their information could be tainted. Worse, their scouts could be killed. The scouts didn’t live in the village, and all of them were single. That way, no one really questioned where they were or what they were doing. Bryn crafted the entire system from the ground up, recognizing the weakness of the traditional way it was done with scouts reporting directly to the general or king in the nearest war room.

“I wasn’t tired, ya were here, and I’ve learned not to miss a chance with my wife. I know I’m busy and gone a lot now,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. “One day, this war will be over, and I’ll be able to kick me feet up again.”

“Or we’ll be dead,” she reminded him, casually shrugging.

“Also a possibility,” he agreed with a chuckle. “I was just wakin’ up. What have ya been doing today?”

“Training with Emerian. We sat in on another of Trevan’s lessons.” She knew better than to say the Elvasi’s name to this husband, but she hadn’t been thinking about it until the name was already out of her mouth.

Bryn tensed. He still didn’t trust Trevan, and Mave was beginning to worry he never would, no matter how much the Elvasi did for them. Trevan could jump in front of a sword for Bryn, and she was fairly certain Bryn wouldn’t even bat an eye, only continue his own hatred. It was concerning, to say the least.

“At least he’s doin’ somethin’ useful,” Bryn muttered, letting her go before sitting up. “I think I’m goin’ to head out—”

“Wait,” she ordered, making him pause, frozen in position. “I’m going with you.” She certainly wasn’t going to let him wander off in a mood, and she rarely had the chance to be with him anymore.

“Ya don’t even know where I’m goin’,” he said with a strain in his words, a sign he was upset by the mention of Trevan.

“I don’t need to know because I’m just going to follow you,” she said with no small amount of snappiness. “Who am I going to tell about the meet-up spot?” She started to stand and sighed. “Plus, I don’t want to see you leave in a bad mood. I wouldn’t be able to sleep even with you gone.”

He sighed, and she took it as a sign he would admit defeat.

“Aye, the only reason you don’t know is it’s just not necessary.” Another drawn-out sigh as he rubbed his face showed Mave just how tired he was from his schedule. “Fine, ya can come with me. It’ll be nice to spend the evenin’ together.”

“Good.” She got out of bed, glad she hadn’t bothered to strip before falling down. “You get dressed. I’m going to get my boots back on. Will I need my swords?”

“I never leave the village without bein’ armed,” he answered. “And we will be leavin’ the entire valley.”

“Okay, then.” She walked out to find her boots and swords. She was done before him, but she had less to do to get ready. He came out of the bedroom, and she watched as he finished up—boots, sword, several daggers in different locations, all tied together by two more additions, a short bow he threw over his shoulder, and a scarf he used to cover most of his face. She figured it would be too hot to wear something like that, but he never complained.

He gestured for her to follow him as he walked to the door. Leaving their home together, they walked down the stairs instead of taking off in flight.

“We’re not flying?” she asked, frowning.

He lifted a finger over his mouth, shaking his head slightly. He wanted silence.

Mave put her hands on the pommels of her swords as they walked, looking around and giving him what he wanted. Silence. They even walked softly, her picking up on how carefully he was moving through the trees. He hadn’t picked a trail but went straight into the forest and moved quickly.

Judging by the incline, we’re leaving the valley the hard way. This is how he’s kept people from finding him when he’s out of the valley.

Reaching a clearing, Bryn pulled his scarf down as he stopped by a loud, wide stream. Copyright 2016 - 2024