The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,8

left the room.”

“Why didn’t you when you realized he was here?”

“Pride,” Bryn said, putting a plate of bacon down in the middle of the table.

“He’s seen me naked,” Luykas said with a shrug. Everyone looked at him at that. “We lived together for a long time. You think we didn’t see each other in the buff more than once? Please. We’re more like twins than half-brothers. If you’ve seen one of us, you’ve seen both of us. There’s nothing to hide.”

“Wow,” Mave mumbled, shaking her head. She didn’t need that mental image so early in the morning. Then another thought hit her that made her feel a little worse. Her eyes slid across Luykas’ chest, then trailed down. “No wonder Rain’s so into him.”

Luykas sputtered, his face turning red. “That…”

“Was uncalled for,” Zayden growled as he dropped a plate of eggs on the table too hard. “I was trying not to think about that.”

The laughter that filled her home was like a song, harmonizing into music that could only be created once—music she had sorely missed over the spring.

Mave decided to change the subject as Zayden’s face turned redder. He was happy for his son, but everyone knew he wasn’t comfortable with Alchan and Rain’s sex life, at least not hearing about it.

“So…what is everyone going to do today?” She looked around the table as they all found their seats.

“I’ll be evaluating new warriors,” Mat answered. “A bunch of novices. Some have talent and will be able to stay and train here in more advanced groups, but most will need to go north and spend the autumn and winter with Seanev.”

“So, that’s still on you, huh?” He’d been given the job officially before winter was over. Mat nodded, then grabbed a piece of bacon from the main dish. “What about you, Zayden?”

“Helping Senri. I take whoever Mat thinks is ready to be a guard, train them in everything Senri wants, then assign them to either a patrol or a stationary watch at one of our lookout points. I keep them on their toes for her since she can’t do any sparring right now. That might slow down with Kian back.”

“You can work with him,” Mave said, reaching out to pat his hand. “Thank you for helping her.” He grabbed her hand and pulled it up to his lips, delivering a soft kiss to the back.

“Anything for you and our family. Your father always had a wanderlust. I knew it was him or me to join you on the campaign. I couldn’t keep him from fighting with his daughter and his best friends. Helping Senri was the least I could do.” He released her and finished making the plate in front of him, then switched it with her empty one, so she had food.

“Bryn? Luykas? What are you two doing today?” She turned to them, full of pride and love for Zayden.

“I have scouts coming in today and tonight. I’ll be out of the city to rendezvous with them, then send them off, so they don’t lead anyone back to the village. I might not make it back tonight.” Bryn sighed. “I was lucky to be close by when you got home yesterday.”

“Be safe,” she ordered. He nodded, a solemn promise. She trusted him, but Bryn often found trouble when he was away. That was why he didn’t go on those missions anymore.

“Well, I’ll be safe all day,” Luykas said, smiling at her. “I’ll be with Leshaun. Another day of the change over from his time as spymaster to mine. We should have started over winter or even last year, once I started talking to Nyria, but I don’t think any of us were ready for how much Leshaun was going to slow down over winter.”

“No, we weren’t,” Mat said softly, looking down at his food. “He hit old age hard.”

“It’s the war,” Luykas said kindly. “Your uncle had centuries left in him, but he’s an elder now. A village consumed with war isn’t the best place for him, and if he sticks around for another few years, it’s only going to take a harder toll on him.”

“I know.” Mat sighed.

“He’s leaving? None of you said that yesterday.” Mave felt a sense of dread. “He’s family. He can’t leave.”

“He won’t be going far,” Mat said gently. “But I’m right there with you, Mave. It’s not going to be easy with him farther than just a short flight away. He’ll probably move out of the Dragon Spine into a new small community Copyright 2016 - 2024