The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,77

When I had silver on me for trade, people finally paid attention to me, but I could also go completely unnoticed, which was nice, too. I could never hide in the temple. They always wanted to know where I was, what I was doing, or if I had finished some chore they needed done.” He didn’t miss the sadness or the annoyance in her tone.

“Did they force you to work for them?” He would tell Alchan if they had. Any sort of indentured servitude was not allowed in Andinna culture. There was only one exception, but it only impacted a very small group of Andinna. The royal family was born to duties they couldn’t run from. Hearing Alchan talk about it was always interesting.

“No!” Lily shook her head, sending her bone-straight black hair flying. “No, not at all. I offered because it let me learn new skills, and they let me stay with them free of charge. I ate from their supplies, so I felt it was something I should do. When I offered to do a task, they got pushy about how fast I could do it, but they never forced me to do anything.”

“Good,” Rain declared, nodding once. He would hate to give Alchan anything more to deal with, like wiping out a temple full of priests and priestesses.

As they entered the village, Andinna who saw them lowered their heads respectfully. Word of her title had spread quickly, and his own was well known. They were two of the highest-ranking Andinna when it came to the loose idea of nobility in their culture. It made up for what they lacked in dominance. The market was almost set up as the crafters, cooks, and more finished their tables. Some waved, grinning because they were excited to see any of the leadership in the market.

“If no one has any money, how does the market work?” Lily asked, looking around. “In Leria’s community, we have copper, silver, and gold. We also barter a lot.”

“We mostly barter here if something is for a single household. Necessary goods are on donation for the entire community right now because we can’t let anyone starve or freeze, but the market is for those who are trying to make a name for themselves or offer things not needed. A cook trying out a new recipe or a new carpenter who makes furniture to practice his or her skills and needs to unload his goods.”

“Ah.” Lily nodded wisely. “So, if I made wraps and dresses, I could sell them here.”

“Do you enjoy making those?” Rain asked, trying not to bug-out at the new little detail about her.

“I do,” she admitted softly. “Sewing new clothes for the priests and priestesses was one of my favorite things. Nothing useful for warriors but pretty things. When we had the materials for it, anyways. We had scarcity problems like everyone else.”

“So, if I needed a suit, you would know how to make it.” Rain was glad to hear about this. He would have to tell Alchan. If they could get her a trade job where she could take limited clientele, it would let her do something she enjoyed and not for free. She could have a business and a reputation.

She would still need someone looking out for her, so no one forced her to work for less than she deserves, but we could do that while she lives with us. And maybe one day, we can assign her a guard and her own little bit of land. She’s a noble now. She’s due land that belongs to her.

The ideas were forming as the market opened, and the Andinna began to call out to sell their wares. Rain purposefully angled Lily to a carpenter near the end, a new young male who was promising. He wouldn’t have a lot of orders yet.

“Pick a bench, please. Watching you stumble around has been fun, but you’re right. There’s no reason we shouldn’t have one,” he said, chuckling as she gave him a withering look.

“A bench?” the young male asked, looking between them. “I have a couple, one I finished only yesterday.”

“May I see it?” Lily asked softly, clearly unsure of herself. Rain walked beside her as they went into the stall and saw the simple bench. She sat down on it, testing it for any unevenness. Rain toed it, seeing if it was structurally sound enough to be kicked—not that he expected any piece of furniture to survive if Alchan decided to take his Copyright 2016 - 2024