The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,74

because he couldn’t fly, but now he let the idea hit him, and he wanted it. He was good with a sword and several other weapons. He was a smart soldier with centuries of practice. He could be an asset on the battlefield. But he wasn’t Andinna. He couldn’t fly and join their ranks, and Vahn…Vahn’s behavior closed that door on him before he even realized there had been a door. He wouldn’t risk lives just so he had a chance to die in a blaze of battlefield glory.

He leaned back and stared at the sky, now growing darker by the moment. The red moon was absent this night, allowing him to see the first stars in the night sky.

“Dinner is probably ready,” he whispered, putting aside his own disappointment. He rose out of the water, dried himself off, and got dressed. As he walked down the trail back to his home, he tried to reassure himself, he was doing all he could. He couldn’t do any more than what he was because of one simple, very important detail.

I’m not Andinna.

That hurt in more ways than one. His worship of Mave was turning into something deeper. Something he couldn’t acknowledge. Just like wishing he could sprout wings and fly as one of them, the entire situation was hopeless.



Rain woke up that morning before Alchan and was able to sneak out of the room before his lover realized. He started breakfast quickly, knowing he only had moments before the bedru king noticed his absence. He started a cooking fire and cracked open half a dozen eggs, seasoning them as he whipped them to make enough scrambled eggs for everyone. With Lilliana, their meals had to be a bit larger, something he was now used to accounting for. It had been over a month since her arrival.

Large hands grabbed his hips, and hot breath hit his neck as a growl echoed through the home.

“Good morning,” Rain greeted simply, a smile forming. He didn’t stop what he was doing, choosing to ignore the physical actions of his lover.

“Consort, what do you think you’re doing?” Alchan purred dangerously, asking a trick question of Rain, who decided to walk right into it.

It’s more fun when I play the game.

“Making breakfast for myself and Lilliana,” he answered.

“And what about my breakfast? You know I have an appetite when I wake up,” Alchan said, full of innuendo, though Rain didn’t need the dirty talk. The erection against his ass was a firm reminder of what Alchan was like in the morning. Not that it was unpleasant, but today, Rain had plans, and Alchan would make him late.

“I’m making enough for all of us. You are welcome to join us,” Rain retorted, turning in his king’s hands with the same smile. “We’re heading into the village today, she and I. We’re hoping to be there by the time the market opens, so I can’t indulge this.”

Alchan stepped closer, their chests pressing against one another.

“Could I possibly convince you for something quick then? We don’t even have to move.”

“You must have forgotten we promised Lily that we wouldn’t do anything in the public areas,” Rain said, poking Alchan’s chest. “Remember? Wake up and think clearly. Besides, you had me all night, and you were in a mood last night. I’m a touch sore.”

Alchan groaned and let go. Rain was able to grab the male’s chin before he could get too far and held his king in place, kissing him once, eliciting a simple sound of pleasure from the big male.

“And to think, we ever considered you submissive,” Alchan murmured, leaning in for another soft kiss.

“I am, but you taught me how to stand up for myself.” Rain chuckled against his lover’s lips. “You know if you wanted me to stay, you could make me.”

“I do,” Alchan agreed. “I also know you push my buttons because you find my reactions fun.” Alchan squeezed his hand on Rain’s hip so hard, it was nearly painful, a clear reminder of how rough they could get, and both enjoyed every moment of it.

“I find your reactions sexy, and they make me want to go back to bed,” Rain corrected. “But I really can’t today. Lily and I want to go out and spend the day together. We haven’t in two weeks, and I don’t want her going crazy in here.”

“Lily,” Alchan said softly. “You’re the only person I hear call her that. Why is that?”

“I…” Rain didn’t know how to explain it. He Copyright 2016 - 2024