The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,68

pledged ourselves to defend the new king, decided we would follow in Luykas’ footsteps and become the king’s royal guard as well. The idea of the Ivory Shadow Mercenary Company came later down the road, but you’ve heard us say it. The Company has always been the royal guard.”

“I remember,” she said, smirking. “I just never heard anyone call them that before. The king and his ivory shadow.” She snorted, thinking about it.

“Well, it used to be the prince and his ivory shadow,” Kian corrected. “I think only Nevyn and I say it now and never when they’re around. Don’t tell them I finally told you.”

She laughed silently at the idea of Alchan and Luykas being annoyed over an old nickname, but she could see it. There was a mission she still didn’t know about because every time one of the Company mentioned it, someone else would growl they weren’t supposed to talk about it, normally, Alchan.

It was midday when Trevan declared he was finished. He was sweating as he walked to Emerian and shook his friend’s hand.

“You did good,” the Elvasi said with a smile.

“Thanks,” Emerian said with a grin in return.

Mave’s heart thumped when they both turned to her.

“What?” she demanded as they stared.

“What did you think of the lesson? I’ve been trying to streamline it.” Trevan walked closer. “And Emerian did well, don’t you think?”

“He did.” She looked over her nemari. “How do you feel? Was it an educational morning for you?”


“Good. Now, let’s find something to do for the rest of the day. Trevan, do you have any plans?”

“I don’t. Dave has been walking with Learen recently, so I’ve had more free time.”

“Kian?” She turned on her father, eyeing him. “Want to find something to do with us, or do you have plans?”

“I’m going home to Senri. You three have fun.” Kian removed his arm finally and launched into the air.

“What do you have in mind?” Trevan asked, tilting his head to the side.

Mave looked at Emerian before she answered. She had to get him ready. She didn’t want him to become her, but she couldn’t hold him back, not if she ever wanted him to fully accept being Andinna.

“Well, Emerian has never fought a gryphon rider. Maybe we can find a midday meal and work on that,” she said with a shrug, trying not to show them how pressing she thought it was. “You’ve gotten good at riding him, and I’ve seen them fight before. It can be a learning exercise for all of us.”



Trevan rubbed his gryphon’s beak as Mave and Emerian walked up. He’d never tried to ride Vahn for anything aside from transport. He hadn’t known how to ride a gryphon before Mave brought Vahn back and gave him to the only Elvasi in their camp. Trevan had been grateful, but that didn’t make him an expert about the Elvasi cavalry.

He couldn’t deny her idea was sound. The more practice everyone got, training in the air, the better. The gryphon riders the Elvasi were using were the wild cards of every battle. Only a few Andinna had practice fighting against them, and Trevan had seen the injuries they could inflict with his own eyes.

“I’m going to be the first to say this, but I think this might be a really stupid idea,” Emerian said as he looked at Vahn with concern. “What if one of us gets hurt?”

“Then we’ll see a healer,” Mave countered. She walked right up beside Trevan and reached out. Vahn knew her, more than any other Andinna in the valley. For some reason, he knew she was the reason he was alive. Trevan could relate as the gryphon leaned into her touch and rubbed his beak against her hand. “Do you want a snack?” she asked the beast softly. She pulled her free hand from behind her back and revealed a fish, holding it out. “Gently,” she ordered as the gryphon realized a meal was being presented to him. He reached out and took it from her, then swallowed it whole.

“You’re spoiling my mount,” Trevan accused, chuckling as the gryphon sniffed around for more, pulling against the lead Trevan had on him.

“I am,” she agreed, rubbing the beast’s beak. “I brought him here, so I’m allowed to.”

“He’s a novelty you enjoy having around, and that makes you like him more. Admit it,” he teased, grinning.

“Just like his rider,” she fired back, smiling. Trevan’s face flushed, and he turned, so she couldn’t see it. He hadn’t expected her to Copyright 2016 - 2024