The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,58

We know how this plays out. We don’t have to do this for a century, either. Circumstances changed since when she had thousands and thousands of humans in the fields.”

“Back then, it wasn’t a food shortage. They were running out of money to pay everyone,” Alchan said, chuckling. “That’s why they decided to enslave the Andinna. They didn’t have the money by the end of the war to keep paying human laborers, so they created a new, free labor source to boost their treasuries.”

“At the same time, robbing a vast majority of their humans of their jobs,” Luykas added. “Let’s talk about something else. No reason to rehash the economic issues of the Empire.”

“Well, if we’re going to change the topic…” Mave elbowed the king. “Seanev told me to ask you about his arm once he was gone. There a reason I couldn’t hear about it from him?”

“Depends,” Alchan said, eyeing her, wary now. “He’s leaving Leria, which means he’s bloodletting to weaken the bond between them.”

“What?” She hadn’t been expecting that answer, and after a moment, she realized she wasn’t sure how to feel about it either.

“It’s…complicated,” Alchan said carefully.

“I don’t like it when you say that,” Luykas growled softly. “How complicated?”

Alchan whistled and headed toward the war room.

“Alchan?” Mave grabbed his arm to stop him. “What happened?”

“She used the blood bond to dominate him and get his compliance with her plan to send Lilliana down here. Seanev had looked after the ahren for centuries and didn’t agree with his wife. So, she used the blood bond to suppress his will and force his compliance. It’s not illegal, but it’s not something anyone likes hearing about, either. She crossed a line. He knows it. They’re done. She doesn’t know it yet, but they’re done.” Alchan started to laugh sadly.

“Even if he wanted to go back, I wouldn’t let him. Leria is obviously rotten, and I’ll have to address it. The problem is, she’s a great mativa to the vast majority of her people. They’ll get up in arms if I depose her and install a new one. Can’t kill her, can’t exile her yet, so I’m going to do everything in my power to keep Seanev away from her. That I can do.”

Luykas cursed. Mave only felt a cold fury as she stared Alchan down.

“Call her down here,” Mave demanded.

“There’s a reason I’m the king, and you are my Champion,” Alchan reminded her softly. “I’ll keep Seanev safe from her. Have no fear of that. He is never going back to her. As for her, I’ll deal with it. I’ll need to get Allaina involved and any other strong mativa I can find. Maybe the one who decided Kerit belonged to her. Normally, there’s a council of the strongest mativas who deal with these sorts of issues. It’s not your place.”

Mave snarled, baring her fangs. “She deserves to di—”

“Don’t say it,” Alchan snapped. “She doesn’t. Yes, she’s terrible. She’s a fucking mean little bitch who thinks she knows what’s best, but you are not the judge, jury, and executioner, Mave. I am, and by the law, she has done nothing illegal. Seanev agreed to the blood bond, and I know he fully understood at the time how it could be used, whether or not he liked it. She’s a bitch, but we can’t execute people unless they’re traitors, murderers, or rapists. No queen has ever abused the power of the throne and executed anyone for less than that, and I will not start now.” He yanked his arm from her grasp. “I understand you’re a being of righteous fury, but you can’t use that recklessly. If you kill her over the personal slight of hurting and abusing your brother’s trust, the Andinna will turn against you.”

“I’d like to see them try,” Mave hissed as Alchan walked away. She followed, keeping her thoughts to herself. As they walked, many of their friends found them. Her husbands caught her dark mood immediately, and Matesh went to Luykas, whispering about what was going on while Zayden and Bryn stayed with her. Emerian trailed them, her new nemari. He had been hovering at a distance most of the day, waiting for her to give him a command to help with something. Nevyn and Varon showed up next, walking on Alchan’s left side. Then Kian, grinning as he threw an arm over her shoulder.

“Your little sibling has been kicking up a storm on your mother,” he whispered. “Please fucking smile.”

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