The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,5

gave her a drink. By the time their group had made it halfway through, Mave had to pass off gifts from the Andinna to her husbands, who only laughed as someone offered a basket for them to carry everything.

“It’s like there isn’t a war,” she whispered as she took in the goods being thrust on her.

“Everyone here knows exactly what is happening outside of this village,” Senri said softly. “But with so many Andinna here again, there’s renewed hope. While you’ve been away fighting, we decided it was time to bring life back to Anden. Not just have homes here, but really live here. Do you like it?”

“I love it.”

“Good.” Her mother kissed her cheek. “I was excited to show you this. Now…” Senri turned and looked over the crowd. “Does anyone know where the king is?”

Half of the crowd pointed toward a new, huge community dining hall. Mave and Senri laughed as they started walking again, abandoning Mave’s husbands to fend off the Andinna trying to give their wares away.

“They’re going to be upset we’ve left them there,” Mave said, glancing back once to see their arms full of breads, meats, and fabrics.

“No, they won’t. They’ll be glad the world is starting to feel right again,” Senri said, grinning. “You’re home. I don’t think anything could really upset them right now.”

They skipped the line into the dining hall, people moving out of their way. It wasn’t just Mave’s status that allowed it. Senri was still the leader of the guard, even halfway through her pregnancy. The safety of the village rested on her mother’s shoulders and garnered her a level of respect as well.

When they entered, the first person Mave saw was Nevyn, standing on a table, a drink in his hand.

“And when dawn came, the only ones standing were Andinna!” he roared for the crowd.

Everyone cheered. It was so loud, Senri said something, but Mave missed it. The walls shook, the ground shook.

Behind Nevyn, sitting on a raised area in the main hall, Alchan was laughing, Rain draped over him with a smile. They had become official to the public in a beautiful and small ceremony run by Varon, shortly after Lothen’s execution. The news had traveled quickly that the king was in love with his nemari. Leria had a couple of smart comments about it, but the general public had fallen for the romantic story of a lonely king and a young warrior.

Mave was happy for them. They were strong together and madly in love. When they looked at each other, the adoration in their eyes was so clear, no one could ever believe there was something improper happening. It was just love and so much of it.

“And here she is, the Champion of King Alchan Andini and the greatest warrior the Andinna has to offer! Mave!” Nevyn roared over the crowd. She laughed as Senri pushed her forward, and Nevyn yanked her up onto the table. “Get up here. Someone get her a drink!”

Mave grabbed the mug thrust at her only a moment later. People began to chant for her to drink, so she did.

“I wish there were words to tell you about the way she fights, on the ground and in the sky,” Nevyn said, walking around her, up and down the table, trying to connect with everyone around them. Mave stood patiently, looking at her drink with a smile as he continued. “When we saw her execute the vile Prince Lothen, we thought we had seen greatness, but let me promise you, there are no boundaries to how great this warrior can become. Every day, she fights with new ferocity, new passion. Her swords are faster than the enemy they cut down. They are sharper than a wyvern’s talons, and her cries of victory make the Elvasi tremble in fear.”

“You exaggerate,” Mave said, grabbing his arm. “We should talk about you, General Nevyn of the Andinna, member of the Ivory Shadows. Without you, my sword work would be amateur. Without your leadership, our campaign would have faltered before we entered our first battle. You inspire warriors to go beyond what they have ever dreamed and fight for ideals forgotten to time.” She lifted her drink and looked at the crowd. “Am I right?”

The deafening response was enough. Pride filled her as she looked at Nevyn again and raised her mug in a more personal toast.

“To my friend,” she said softly, close enough for him to hear. “I know we have our many differences, but Copyright 2016 - 2024