The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,30

the females staring but never had the impression it was a good thing. Her advice was laughable.

I don’t see just walking up to The Champion and telling her how I feel is going to really help much. In fact, I might as well shove my tail in my mouth now and choke on it before even attempting because that’s how it would end up.

But he wanted, wanted with an urge that felt dangerous. Just like trying to join a campaign and heading off to battle, he wanted the supremely dominant Mave Lorren.

Both seemed equally dangerous at this point.

“You okay?” Trevan asked after a long silence.

“Yeah, I’m fine. You know how Mave was bringing up females earlier? I was thinking about that. I’m not looking for anyone, but what about you? You have a girl somewhere no one knows about?” Emerian tried to grin but wondered if it fell flat at Trevan’s sad expression.

“No, there were never any women for me back home. No one I left behind. Nothing like that.”

“What about here? Do you like Andinna females, or are you going to stay single forever?”

“Let’s not talk about it,” Trevan said, picking up the skin and walking away, heading for the trail to their home.

“Wow.” Emerian started after his friend, throwing an arm around his shoulder when he reached Trevan. “Trevan, come on! We talk about everything. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Which means you’re hiding something,” Emerian pointed out, making Trevan stop. He turned them, making sure the Elvasi could look him in the eye. “What’s up?”

Trevan’s pale gold eyes caught the sun before he closed them and sighed.

“Even if I did have feelings for an Andinna, what makes you think I have any chance with them? I’m Elvasi. The Empress I served for my entire life is the same one who enslaved so many of you and is trying to wipe Andinna off the face of the earth, never to grace the skies again.”

“You only served her to help us.” Everyone knew the story. Trevan had seen Mave fighting in the Colosseum and decided to dedicate his life to the secret movement that hoped for Andinna freedom. Emerian felt it click, and his jaw dropped. “Oh.”

Shit. I have competition, and he’s my friend. What is it about her? How does she drag us all in and refuse to let us go?

“Oh?” Trevan crossed his arms.

“You like her,” Emerian said, a grin forming. “And not just in a creepy, stare at her for centuries way. You like her!”

Trevan grabbed him, smacking a hand over his mouth to silence him.

“If you mean the Champion, I would prefer if you never brought this up again. Ever. Look at me, Emerian, I’m not kidding. You won’t mention it to her, her husbands, or Dave. No one.”

Emerian saw the tightness in Trevan’s face, the anger blazing in his pale gold eyes, and felt the strength of his hold on Emerian’s jaw to keep his mouth closed. Emerian tried to nod, and that thankfully appeased the Elvasi, who released him and stomped down the trail. The dramatic exit of the Elvasi soldier didn’t last long. He turned back and sighed.

“Do you want anything specific for lunch?” he asked softly.

“No, I’m fine, thanks. I…I think I’m going to go see Luykas. I’ll pick something up at one of the dining halls.”

Trevan nodded and disappeared down the path, the trees obscuring Emerian’s view.

How long has he been in love with her? From what I know, she didn’t even know he existed until he helped free her.

Emerian jumped into the air, trying not to think about it anymore. His only friend wanted the same female. It honestly made sense. Trevan had thrown away his entire life and future in the Empire for her. Emerian had always found it stupid, but now, it made more sense, but it was also insane.

He went to the war room hoping to find Luykas and instead ran into Alchan.

“Ah, hello, sire,” he greeted. The king looked up from the maps, dark circles under his eyes, his black hair disheveled. The king was exhausted.

“Good…” Alchan frowned, trying to look out a window. “Afternoon? What can I do for you, Emerian?”

“It’s lunchtime, sire.” Emerian’s plans to find Luykas went on hold as he realized the king might need help. “Are you waiting for Rainev? Do you need me to fetch something for you?”

“No, no,” Alchan said softly, rubbing his eyes. “He knows where I am. He just wandered off. Copyright 2016 - 2024