The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,201

truth in the dragon’s eyes.

A color he could never forget. A color that he could never deny.

Blue-grey like frosted steel or a winter storm—cold.

He stepped closer, knowing the bond would never lie to him. He had to trust it.

The dragon breathed into his face as he stared into its eyes.




Varon sat on the cliffside again, watching the clouds roll by. He knew he was there because something great had happened, something wondrous.

His friends had succeeded. They had done it, and soon the world would know what happened when the twin powers of light and dark go to war to protect their people.

“Varon,” she said softly, almost chastising. “Do you know what you have done?”

I do. He confirmed, speaking with his thoughts. And I regret none of it.

“Of course you don’t. I sent you into the world with a specific duty, and you fulfilled that duty time and time again. I have seen my Avatars do many things, but I have never had an Avatar who fulfilled it the way you have. You meddled into the affairs of the other goddesses. Varon, stand, and look at me.”

He got to his feet, leaving his favorite view behind. He saw her waiting, but what he had not expected was his goddess to be flanked by her older sisters.

“You have walked outside the bounds of your duty, Avatar,” Kristanya growled, a being of vicious fury.

“And you reminded us that not even we fully understand the hearts of our people,” Lariana said with all the regal poise he expected.

“Varon, explain yourself,” his goddess demanded, staring him down.

I love my people more than I was willing to follow the rules. If upsetting all of you is the price I had to pay, I will pay it. Punish me. I am at your mercy. He went to his knees in front of them.

“Your charity case is full of surprises,” Kristanya growled. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Avatar of Amonora, today we give you a gift for delivering us a much-needed reminder,” Lariana said, now humored.

He looked up, shocked by their words.

“For ages, it has been believed my sister and I are of equal power, and I rule because I am the dominant one. Your King reminded me this is not the case, but you reminded both my sister and me of something far more important.” Lariana crouched in front of him, her smile serene. “Tell me, Varon, who do you believe is the most powerful goddess?”

He answered with his heart.

Amonora, for it is love that brought our world out of the primordial chaos and into a time of peace. It was love that gave you the ability to rule your sister. It gave her the ability to appreciate the world and to follow you. It was love that gave you the male dragons, husbands who helped shape this world. Love that pushed you to create us, your children, and our wyvern cousins. He took a deep breath, unneeded since he couldn’t actually speak, but an old habit. And I knew it would be love, not war or leadership, light or dark, that guided the Andinna to where they are today, with an Avatar of Lariana and an Avatar of Kristanya walking the world, ready to defend their people and usher in a new age. The same love that brought you together would be the thing that saved our people.

“And you are correct,” the white dragon goddess said, pleased with his answer. She touched his cheek. “And for the wisdom that has guided your steps, Kristanya and I came together, a combination of her power and mine, to give you a gift.”

Her hand trailed down and wrapped around his neck.

Power flowed into him, the small amount dissipating as it was done with its task.

Lariana and Kristanya walked away as Amonora helped him to his feet and kissed him.

“Go,” she whispered with a sly smile. “Go, my beautiful boy, and start singing for me again.”

Varon woke up with a start, reaching out to his husband. Nevyn groaned and sat up.

“Are you okay?” Nevyn wrapped an arm around him. Varon looked at Nevyn’s face, remembering the first moment he saw it, beautiful and perfect. His warrior was everything he needed for the rest of his days.

And start singing for me again.

Tears flooded his eyes as he touched Nevyn’s face.

“I love you,” Varon whispered, testing and stunned to find he was right. They had made him whole.

“What?” Nevyn blinked.

“I love you,” Varon said, clear and strong. “I love you, Nevyn.”

Nevyn started to cry and grabbed him back. “I love you.”

They laughed, and they cried, and they held each other.

And Varon began to sing for them.

With hope in his heart, he sang.

Dear Reader,

This go around, I feel like I owe everyone an apology. I killed Kian, Leshaun, Dave, and Vahn. I broke Emerian. I hurt everyone. There’s something wrong with me. I know. But hey, Mave can turn into a DRAGON NOW! This was the book I’ve been waiting for. This was the book where I could bring everything I’ve been building for the entire series together. It was so hard it was to keep Avatars a secret. I knew if I told everyone before this, you would guess it without even trying, so Varon and I worked together to just never tell anyone. Now you know. So forgive me for the deaths and enjoy Mave being a dragon.

Now, onto the good news:



APRIL 2021

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About The Author- Kristen

Kristen Banet loves to read books that make people cry. She likes to write books that make people cry (and she wants to hear about it). She’s a firm believer that nothing and no one in this world is perfect, and she enjoys exploring those imperfections—trying to make the characters seem real on the page and not just in her head. Worlds of action, adventure, trying times, and true love are the things that get her writing.

She might be crazy, though. Her characters think so, but this can’t be confirmed. You might want to try asking her husband, two dogs, and cat.

Also By Kristen Banet

Reverse Harem

Epic Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance

Age of the Andinna

The Gladiator’s Downfall

The Mercenary’s Bounty

The Warrior’s Assault

The Rebel’s Vision

The Enemy’s Triumph

The Champion’s Ruin

Volume One: Books 1-3

Witch of the Wild West

Bounty Hunters and Black Magic

Werewolves and Wranglers

Complete Series

The Redemption Saga

A Life of Shadows

A Heart of Shame

A Nature of Conflict

An Echo of Darkness

A Night of Redemption

Wild Junction

The Kingson Pride Series

Wild Pride

Wild Fire

Wild Souls

Wild Love (Novella)

The Wolves of Wild Junction Duet

Prey to the Heart

Heart of the Pack

Also by K.N. Banet

The Tribunal Archives

Urban Fantasy

Jacky Leon

Oath Sworn

Family and Honor

Broken Loyalty

Echoed Defiance

Shades of Hate

Volume One: Books 1-3

Kaliya Sahni




Andena Glossary

Feminine- ‘am’

Amin- Female

Ami- Baby

Amra- Mother

Arra- Mommy/Mom (Informal mother)

Amara- Daughter

Amir- Sister

Amrya- Aunt

Amyra- Neice

Amran- Grandmother

Amanra- Lover/Wife

Masculine- ‘bod’

Bodin- Male

Bodi- Baby

Bodra- Father

Baba- Daddy/Dad (Informal father)

Bodara- Son

Bodyr- Brother

Bodrya- Uncle

Bodyra- Nephew

Bodran- Grandfather

Bodanra- Lover/Husband

Alternative Male and Female

Ahin- A gay female

Ahren- A female that is excessively submissive. Normally isn’t strong enough in personality to attract males.

Ahyara- Committed female-only relationship.

Bedin- A gay male.

Bedru- A male that is excessively dominate and possessive. Normally considered unsuitable to females due to dominance issues.

Bedyara- Committed male-only relationship.

General Terms

Ahea- Hello

Ohea- Goodbye

Al- The

Ut- You

Uta- Them

Et- Me/I

Rai- The term for the Andinna temper. No real translation.

Mativa- A ‘tradition keeper’, or someone, normally female, who passes on important cultural knowledge and leads a community.

Olda- Blood

Oldura- Official Andena word for a ‘Blackblood’. No real translation.

Tatua- The Andinna ‘ink’ normally done by a Blackblood with blood magic.

Mayara- Andinna family unit. The band of males who center on a female to protect serve, and in most cases, love. Generally husbands/lovers, but can also include brothers, fathers, sons, or just close male friends.

Illo- Big, large (Illon- bigger, larger)

Illi- Little, small (Illin- smaller, littler)

Oto- Old (Oton- older)

Oti- Young (Otin- younger)

Ildan- Friend

Ilanra- Beloved

Ildar- Adopted/Adopt/Adoptive in terms of family.

Raki- Mixed blood/mutt.

Ensam- An Andinna without social place. Forced out by the community or by choice.

Mara- Life

Olmara- Birth

Moro- Death

Somaro- Elite warrior

Morok- Classic Andinna curved blade

Svamor- War group of Andinna.

Semara- Soul

Sema- Skies or just the sky.

Sita- Submit/Submissive

Andin- Dragon

Andinno- Wyvern

Vahne- Strong

Nola- King

Lera- Walk (Lerani- run)

Vorha- Mountain

Curses and Sayings

Kak- Shit

Amov/Bodov- Bitch for female and male respectively

Kuk- Ass

Voek- Damn

Linti- Pigeon

Voek al Sema- Damn the Skies

Na al Sema- By the Skies

Skies/Sema- a way Andinna reference their gods without blaspheming. “Damn the Skies.” “By the Skies.”

Anvea et- I’m sorry or ‘forgive me’

Et anvea ut- Apology accepted or ‘I forgive you’ Copyright 2016 - 2024