The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,2

welcome. Mave jumped off her horse and handed the reins off to someone while Kian stayed next to her. Still ahead of her, Nevyn and Varon were handing off their own horses. Mave went up to them, smiling as Varon wrapped an arm around her waist. Kian jumped on Nevyn’s back.

“We’re home!” he said, laughing. Behind them, warriors cheered at Kian’s proclamation.

“And what do you bring me?” someone called out. The crowd parted, and Alchan walked through it, smiling.

“Good tidings!” Nevyn called out, grinning. “In the time we have been away, we have engaged the Elvasi in five battles and came out victorious every time!” He was yelling by the end. Mave threw her fist into the air, cheering along with the warriors around them. “We’ve brought glory back to you and to the rebellion! Our campaign was a success!”

Andinna around them were jumping in excitement and screaming in victory.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Alchan replied. “Nevyn, come with me, and we’ll discuss. Everyone else, welcome home.”

Mave jumped forward the moment he was done speaking and wrapped her arms around the smaller male at Alchan’s side. Rain laughed as they entered a bone-crushing hug.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispered. “How are you?”

“I’m great,” he answered, laughing until he cried. “Now, I need to let you go—”

He didn’t get the chance to finish as Mave was pulled away. She didn’t fret as the large arms wrapped around her and the world began to spin. The spicy scent of her first husband filled her senses as her mouth found his full lips. Her first husband always seemed to be the first one to find her. A wave of need flew through her as Luykas flew overhead, trying to find her.

“I need the crowds to disperse!” Rain called out. “Move for the King!”

Mave didn’t pay attention as she stared at emerald green eyes and a self-confident smirk that owned so much of her heart.

“It’s been too long,” he whispered as he leaned in for another kiss.

“We were winning,” she replied, chuckling. “We couldn’t pass up the opportunities as they came. Where are Bryn and Zayden?”

“Zayden went to get Bryn. He was in the next valley over, training with his latest batch of scouts. They’ll be here soon.”

“We should get to the war room—”

He cut her off with another passionate kiss, this one prompting cheers of the Andinna around them. Luykas finally found them and landed behind her. Mat let her go as Luykas grabbed her hand and spun her around.

“Who gives a shit about the war room right now?” he growled. His gold eyes were full of emotion, the same one she felt pulsing through the bond between them.

“Well, I’m certain Alchan does,” she said, the laughter coming back to her as he growled again and kissed her.

“You’re not needed there,” he reminded her. “He asked for Nevyn because he’s the general. You can go see him later. You’re going to spend the evening with us. Alchan can come tomorrow.”

“Really?” She let Luykas pull her out of the crowd. “I’m certain he and I can find something—”

“No,” Mat said with little patience. “We’re going to get you into a hot spring for a bath, then we are going home. You’re not going to work your first night back from a victorious campaign, Mave. Let Nevyn and Varon pass along all the news and just enjoy some time with us.” There was a note of desperation at the end that echoed in her own soul.

“I’m only teasing, love,” she promised. She took off, glad to get the wind under her wings, and headed for her home. Mat and Luykas followed quickly. She was able to make it out of the crowd and over the village first, beating them to the hot spring. As she landed, Bryn and Zayden appeared, landing shortly after while Luykas and Mat were still trying to catch up with her.

Bryn swooped her up and spun her around the same way Matesh had, his lips greedy for her.

“Ya tell me to never leave, but I’m not allowed to tell ya the same. It’s not fair,” he murmured in her ear as they finally slowed, and her feet could touch the ground again.

“I won’t go away again without one of you. You were all just so busy here.” She touched his cheek gently. “And the Champion must go and fight in the name of the king.”

“I know,” he whispered, kissing her softly. “We’ve missed ya, though.”

“And I’ve missed you.”

When Bryn stepped back, her Copyright 2016 - 2024