The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,19

landed. He nodded to her, the only acknowledgment. Allaina landed beside her, clasping her hands and squaring her shoulders.

“I have to make a stronger impression than the last time Seanev rode into the village with Leria and a bunch of warriors,” she whispered to Mave. “So he can report to Leria, I’m strong and don’t need any of her damn advice anymore.”

“Females,” Alchan muttered under his breath. Mave reached out and slapped his arm with a soft growl, getting a chuckle in response. He looked back at her, revealing a smile. “I didn’t expect you to come. He’s passed over the ridge. They’re moving fast. He’ll be here any minute.”

“Where’s Rain?”

“He’ll be here any moment.” Alchan looked up, and Rain was hovering to talk to someone, pointing out directions and different areas of the valley. When he landed, he gave a wounded sigh.

“We went over placement of Seanev’s warriors weeks ago, and they’re still going to fuck it up,” the mutt said, rolling his eyes.

Nevyn and Varon arrived next, Varon looking in a particularly bad mood, not a common sight. Luykas followed them, then Matesh, who came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Zayden was last. Bryn wasn’t going to make it. They all knew he was still asleep from being out too late the night before and would be running more night training once the sun fell below the horizon. Mave knew Leshaun wouldn’t arrive either, since he was avoiding crowds now.

Seanev rode in like he was meant to be a general. His head held high, he rode slowly once he made his way into the village on the main road, dust kicked up by the horses. The Andinna living in the village were quiet, waiting to see how Alchan would welcome the general. It wasn’t a secret Alchan had favorites, and Seanev wasn’t one of them.

Seanev stopped ten feet away and dismounted, walking the rest of the way when one of his warriors took his horse’s reins.

“My king,” he greeted, bowing in front of Alchan. “I’ve brought four hundred warriors and one hundred others. Crafters, priests, and…hopeful nobles.”

“Welcome. It’s good to see you again.” Alchan hugged Seanev when he straightened.

“Before we get to the big stuff, I want to introduce you to someone,” Seanev said, apparently cautious.

“In front of everyone?” Alchan raised an eyebrow.

“Yes.” Seanev seemed downright scared, and Mave couldn’t really begin to guess why.

Mave looked between them, then moved closer to Alchan’s side. She didn’t have her swords, but she was willing to put her body between the two of them if she needed. She had no idea what was happening, but if Seanev was already worried, then she needed to be as well. Alchan only shrugged when she looked at him for an explanation.

“Lilliana, will you come forward?” Seanev called behind him.

Mave watched as warriors parted. The female revealed made Mave even more confused. The female was short and curvy, without a single toned area on her body. Her hips were wide, and her eyes were large as she looked at Seanev, then Alchan. Her face turned pink, and her eyes dropped. She bowed to the king, lower than any female was required to.

Mave felt the need to growl, but she wasn’t sure why. Something deep and instinctual didn’t like this female, which meant Mave needed to watch herself. She wasn’t going to judge this female without knowing what caused it. Beside her, Allaina growled softly, even more surprising.

“You fucking bastard,” Alchan growled so quietly, only Mave and Seanev would have heard.

“She’s been hiding with the priests in our region,” Seanev explained quickly. “And Leria decided it was time for you to meet her. She agreed to come here to help the rebellion.”

Alchan’s growl was louder this time. Mave didn’t understand, but she took a step forward. She didn’t make it to the female. Neither did Seanev, who was turning to put himself in front of her.

Rain was suddenly by her side, his face pale, and a smile plastered on his face.

“I’m Rainev. Why don’t you come with me, and we’ll figure out where you’re going to stay?”

“That would be nice,” Lilliana whispered. “I’m sorry for any trouble I may have caused.”

“You haven’t caused any trouble,” Rain said kindly, taking her hand. “Others are responsible for that.” The look Rain sent Alchan seemed as if it should send the bedru king to his knees, then Rain led the little female away, their footsteps practically echoing in the dead silence of the city.

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