The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,170

and settled with blankets to protect them from the cold. Mave grabbed her most important bag and swung it over her shoulder, waiting with the high priestess.

“So, there’s a war in the Dragon Spine again. Is it safe to assume you’ve come from it?”

Mave raised an eyebrow. “Yes.”

“And? How do things go?”

“Poorly.” Mave saw no reason to lie. If she and Alchan failed, everyone would know by spring, the end was coming.

“What do you do? You’re obviously a warrior, but how did you end up here?”

“I’m Maevana Lorren Amori, and I was once the King’s Champion. I’m here because I’m desperate.” Mave turned her gaze to the female as she heard a gasp and saw the small, open mouth. “Let me guess. You knew my parents.”

“I did,” she said softly. “I know your brother. He stopped in on us during the last thousand years, making sure we were still safe and had enough food. I heard a whisper about you, but rumors and gossip don’t reach me. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you. Now I see it. Your eyes—”

“Are my father’s eyes. Yes.” Mave had heard all of these things before. The fact it was still coming up was threatening to drive her insane.

“Where did the Amori name come from?”

“My parents…my adopted parents,” Mave clarified. “Technically, I think my full name is actually Maevana Lorren Amori Andini or something, because one of my husbands is Luykas Andini, the king’s brother and prince of the Andinna, but I never claimed the name. Alchan offered it, but I’m not a royal. I’m a warrior.”

“Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive,” the high priestess reminded her. “But you are right. If that’s not the name you wanted, it’s not your name.”

“We’re ready!” Mat called out. Mave lifted a thumb in the air, confirming she heard him. He tapped Zayden and Bryn to follow him, and they walked over to the wagon, where Mave and the high priestess were waiting.

“Let me show you the greatest temple of our people,” the high priestess said with no short amount of pride. She jumped into the air and began to fly.

Mave waited for a moment, testing her wing. It was healed, and she could fly, but again a force tried to tell her not to continue. Mave growled, then jumped into the air, her males following. She followed the female high into the air, seeing the dangerous hazards on the mountainside that protected the temple as they arrived.

It was magnificent. Black-and-white marble came out of the mountain, building the outer half of the temple. As Mave got closer, the winds grew dangerous, and she knew it was the storm above them, trying to chase off those who would dare come to this place.

She landed on the giant entry. Flat marble jutted out of the mountain, enough space for Rain and several other wyverns to land if they needed to. She took in the view below as her males landed, all of them panting after they finally made it through the fierce winds.

Mave ignored the soft chatter around her and turned to see the temple entrance. Seven pillars held up the front of the building, one situated directly in the middle. They weren’t simple and classic like the Elvasi. Each was actually a dragon statue, their back feet on the ground. They rose up and up, their heads holding up the ceiling.

“I’ve never seen a temple like this,” Bryn whispered.

“Me neither,” Zayden said in a similarly hushed voice. “It’s glorious.”

“Now, I see why people took pilgrimages to see this. I never got it growing up, but now I understand,” Mat said, awe in his words.

Mave wasn’t as overwhelmed. She saw history and greatness just as they did. She saw beauty. And it did little for her. She was impressed, but she wasn’t awed.

She was too angry with Kristanya to allow herself to be awed.

“Welcome. Now, come, and I’ll show you where you can pray.”

“I’m not here to pray,” Mave said, not moving, even though her husbands began to follow Invia. When Invia looked at her, Mave looked up, beyond the temple at the mountain itself. “I’m here to climb.”

“Do your males intend to climb with you?” Invia’s entire demeanor changed in a second, from proud to unknown. Mave couldn’t read her anymore.

“No,” she answered.

“Then you need to come with me. I’ll show you and tell you what you need to know. Your males can stay in the temple for as long as they need, but…we have a rule. Those Copyright 2016 - 2024