The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,16

a glass of wine with some of her favorite females on a hot summer afternoon. The tradition had started over the winter, and Mave was glad to get back to it. Only back from the campaign for four days, she had been ambushed by Senri, Allaina, and Yenni. Dragged out of her home while her males laughed, she was taken to a quiet spot where a table had been set up next to a stream.

“This is nice,” Mave commented, looking over their private spot. “When did you find it?”

“After the snow melted,” Senri answered, refilling Mave’s wine glass. “I was starting to lose my temper with everyone, so Alchan ordered me to find a place where females could get away from everyone.”

Mave chuckled. “Alchan had to step in?”

“She threatened to castrate Gentrin and Willem,” Allaina said with a small smile over her glass. “Which might have made her happy for a moment but wouldn’t make her happy once she has this baby.”

“It would have made me happy for at least a decade,” Senri countered. “When I had my first boy, I didn’t have sex for five years afterward. Childbirth is traumatic.”

Mave shivered at that. Yenni elbowed her, and when Mave looked at her, she nodded in agreement. Neither of them was looking for children any time soon.

“Well, if you need anything, you tell me. I have the entire community making sure everything goes perfectly for you.”

“I have until next spring to really worry,” Senri reminded their mativa, running a hand over her belly. “I wish we were like humans. Nine months. Can you believe that? We get two whole years of this pregnancy thing.”

“You wanted this. You’re the one who asked for your fertility cycle to be quickened, then you let…” Mave lifted her hands, deciding not to finish the sentence.

“You are a heartless child,” Senri accused. “Your mother is pregnant, and you have to remind me that it was my idea.”

Every female at the table laughed. Once it settled down, Senri leaned onto Mave’s shoulder.

“I’ve heard you haven’t picked up a sword since you got back. Anything wrong, Mave?”

“No, I just don’t see the need. I’ve been fighting and training all spring. Alchan wants me to take time off, and I don’t see the need to drag my swords around when I have no reason to use them. Who’s going to attack me that I can’t disarm and handle without drawing my own weapon?” Mave snorted. “Who’s stupid enough to try?”

“Ah, so the Champion grows confident with her position,” Yenni teased. “It’s good to see. You deserve to puff your chest and be lazy.”

“You weren’t on the campaign, so don’t call me lazy.” Mave narrowed her eyes on the large female. “I’ll take you right now.”

“You didn’t bring your swords!” Yenni laughed, throwing her head back.

“Don’t need them.” Mave jumped, tackling her friend out of the chair, sending at least two glasses of wine flying.

“Hey, now!” Allaina called. “Be gentle with her!”

Mave and Yenni rolled in the dirt, taking potshots at each other. Senri laughed, but Allaina’s calls for them to break it up were what Mave heard the most.

Mave was able to pin Yenni and looked up.

“We’ve done this before. You know we aren’t going to hurt each other.” Confused, Mave met with Allaina’s ruby gaze.

“Well…” Allaina huffed.

“She’s invested in me now,” Yenni explained with a laugh. “I’ve convinced our pretty mativa to try new things. Or I should say, her curiosity got the better of her.”

Mave moved off of the female, frowning.

“We’re sleeping together,” Allaina clarified as Mave just stared at her. “We started sleeping together at the spring festival. Alcohol was involved.”

It felt like a rock was thrown at her, finally breaking through her dense skull. Mave nodded slowly as she looked between them, then shrugged.

“Well, I never thought you would fall for a female, but okay.” Mave shrugged a second time. She could see it from Yenni because that was Yenni. She was an ahin, a female who found pleasure with other females and had little to no interest in males. Allaina, however, always struck Mave as a female who loved males to the point of no return. It was what had made their relationship so contentious when they met. Mave had Mat, and Allaina had always wanted to keep him to herself.

“I have not fallen for her,” Allaina said, blustering.

“Oh, she’s fallen pretty hard,” Yenni teased. “Her males have been damn okay with it too. They enjoy having me around. Another pair of hands Copyright 2016 - 2024