The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,155

he said carefully. “Do you think…she’ll be okay with that?”

“Yes,” Rain answered with a smile. “She wanted to travel, and she’s useful and sweet, and I’ll need a friend. I’m going to assume you don’t want a guard coming with us.”

“You assume right. We need to leave warriors here, and I don’t want them to have to deal with the shame of losing their king if it comes to that.”

“But you would let Lilliana and me deal with it,” Rain pointed out.

“You don’t have to go,” he whispered.

“I would never let you go to do this alone, even if I don’t really understand it.”

Alchan kissed him again, and together, they left the cavern Alchan had sheltered in. Rain split off from him, and Alchan knew what he had to do.

He had to find Mave.

He landed in a clearing, seeing the wagon slowly being loaded. Three days. He had three days to prepare everything to join that wagon and those who would leave in it.

Luykas looked up first and seemed hopeful.

“Please tell me you’re here to back us and stop this,” Luykas pleaded softly as they walked up to each other. “I understand her reasons, but this is…I don’t want to ruin my marriage, but…”

“I come with more bad news, then. I’m going with you. Me, Rain, and Lilliana. I’m going to the Capital.” Alchan watched his brother do the mental leaps. Luykas knew. Luykas was a blood member of the royal family, so the secret was also his secret. Or that had been Alchan’s thinking. Their grandmother and aunts had been less certain, but Alchan’s word was law when it came to his brother.

“You threw Varon and Nevyn out of your house for suggesting it,” Luykas hissed. “And now, you’re going to do it? Lariana will kill you, Alchan. And when she does that, I’m going to climb that fucking mountain and try to kill her. You’re insane. My wife is insane. I can’t believe I’m going on this stupid trip—”

“You’re not,” Alchan said gently, grabbing his brother at the back of his head and pulling him close, so they could stare each other in the eyes and talk quietly. “You are staying here and ruling in my place. You’re the only one I trust to do that. You will do everything you can to catch and put an end to this spy. I’m going to ask Nevyn and Varon to support you.”

“You’re serious,” Luykas whispered, shaking his head. “I can’t…leave you or her to…”

“This is not a suggestion. This is an order. If we die, I need to know the brother I trained beside can at least try to save our people before it’s too late. I need that reassurance. I’m sure Mave will understand.”

“Yeah,” Luykas snorted. “She’s totally fine going with none of us. She’s on a literal warpath to get ready to leave the moment the healers allow her.”

“I know.” He had seen her and watched her since their argument. “Will you stay?”

“I’ll stay,” Luykas promised. He turned to see his fellow husbands, and Alchan’s eyes followed. Mat, Zayden, and Bryn openly watched them. Alchan knew he needed to say something to them, but he had been really hoping to find Mave. Luykas stopped him when he tried to move. “Mave told them. Just so you know. Mave told those three. They haven’t told anyone, but they know exactly what is going on right now.”

Alchan nodded, accepting it. He wouldn’t be angry with them or with Mave. She had the right to tell her husbands whatever she saw fit, and he had told her about the royal family. He walked up to the males slowly, putting his hands in his pockets. This didn’t need to be formal.

“Can you pack for three more? Rain and Lilliana will come to help.” He saw them go through various levels of shock.

“We can do that,” Mat said, regaining his composure first. “She’s at home, packing her things.”

“Thank you. You might want to get a second wagon or cart,” Alchan suggested before he walked away.

“We will,” Zayden called.

Alchan went directly to her. Outside her door, Nevyn and Varon stood like guards, an odd sight.

“Are you here to finally stop her?” Nevyn asked, narrowing his eyes at the king. “Because we’ll stop you before you get inside. Her mind is made.”

“No, I’m here to tell her I’m going. For her. For you both. For our people,” Alchan answered.

The lovers stepped out of the way and let him pass. Emerian was inside, but he Copyright 2016 - 2024