The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,144

should be,” Mave said, sighing. “Sorry. I’m just ready to move on from this. What’s the aftercare?”

“Your wing will be bound to restrict movement. No opening or closing it for two weeks. Take everything slow after that, and check in with us before you try to fly, so we can evaluate the break.”

“Yeah, I know how all of it works. I’ll keep the wing bound until you think it’s time to take it off,” she promised. There was a small knock at the door. “And I won’t fly until you give me permission.”

“Who is it?” the big male asked.

“Zayden. I’ve got Matesh and Brynec with me. We’re looking for Mave.”

“She’s in here. We’re going to put her out, and you’ll need to carry her home afterward.”

“All right,” Zayden called back. “We’ll wait outside.”

“Thank you.” He turned to her. “This is it.”

Mave didn’t have the fight in her to argue or try to speed up the timeline.

What’s the point in flying if we’re all going to die in the next year?

“We ready?” The smaller healer reached out.

She nodded and let him send her into the darkness.



Luykas sat in Alchan’s living room, trying not to think about seeing his wife and brother outside. They were close, those two, and in ways he couldn’t really fathom anymore, but it was a good thing. If she couldn’t bring herself to deal with her husbands, Alchan would force her to listen to reason. Luykas was a husband. A dominant husband, but a husband, nonetheless. He was one of four and loved being a member of the family, but it made him less special in its own way. Alchan was the only leader Mave had ever accepted as one she would follow. That made him unique.

It stung a little. He’d remind her later no male really liked seeing his wife run into someone else’s arms, and she would tease him a little and promise to be more considerate of his fragile male pride. And she would keep that promise.

She always kept her promises.

She had come home, after all.

Luykas was enjoying his first drink of spiced rum when Alchan walked in from the cold late autumn day.

“That was tested, right?” Alchan demanded, pointing at the glass.

“By the best, who I live with,” Luykas confirmed, smiling. “How is she?”

“Bleeding out, but nothing fatal,” Alchan whispered, getting a glass from the kitchen. “She asked me the stupid question. I’m sure I don’t need to clarify which one.”

“Nope.” As he said that, Nevyn and Varon walked in, both surprised to see him. “Hey,” he greeted, lifting his glass.

“Alchan, we wanted to speak to you privately,” Nevyn said carefully.

“Whatever you can say to me, you can say in front of my brother,” Alchan countered. “You know that. And if it’s anything to do with the war, it’s even more important he hears at the same time as I do. He can start thinking on it as well.”

“Alchan, this is…sensitive,” Nevyn whispered the last word, looking uncomfortable.

“How sensitive could it be? Leshaun was murdered in front of us. Kian didn’t make it home. We’re beyond secrets, Nevyn, and I don’t keep any from Luykas.”

Not true. I’ve seen the way you look at Lady Lilliana, and we haven’t touched that with a ten-foot pole yet.

Nevyn looked at Varon, seeking permission. Varon looked between Luykas and Alchan, then nodded.

“We think you need to claim the power of the throne,” Nevyn said boldly, lifting his chin.

Luykas dropped his glass, letting it shatter against the stone floor. Glass went everywhere, but no one made any indication they heard it happen.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Alchan said simply, but there was no missing the warning.

“He does,” Nevyn retorted, pointing at Luykas, who stood slowly at the gesture.

“You heard your king. He doesn’t know what you’re talking about,” Luykas said, projecting his willingness to fight over this.

“If there was such a power tied to the throne, how do you know about it? How do you know I don’t already have it?” Alchan asked, crossing his arms as he glared at the lovers.

“That’s where this story gets a little interesting, and why we wanted to speak to you alone. Obviously, our thoughts were wrong. Luykas does know, so he’s fine to speak to as well. We didn’t think he would, being a mutt who could never sit on the throne or produce heirs,” Nevyn said with a smirk. “See, Varon and I know many secrets. We would know you don’t have the power because we understand what Copyright 2016 - 2024