The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,142

reasoning and decision. The silence continued for a long time until it was finally interrupted by the appearance of Nevyn and Varon, landing in the clearing.

“So, you are awake,” Nevyn said with a small smile. “We just checked your home, but they said you were gone.”

“We couldn’t see you under the trees,” Varon signed, then hit himself in the forehead.

“What are you two talking about?” the general asked, looking between them. Behind the two lovers, Mave saw Luykas walk by, entering Alchan’s home with a bottle. She didn’t call out for him, figuring he was probably working on something.

“The impending doom of our people,” Alchan answered. “You know, we’ve had this conversation a couple of times since Leshaun died.” Mave was glad he didn’t mention any of the rest.

Nevyn’s bemused expression died, and the sigh he gave was long-suffering. “Yeah. That. Guess Mave needed that update.”

Mave narrowed her eyes at him. Maybe this male would give her the answer she wanted, and she didn’t want to keep talking about the very real possibility they would lose this war.

“Would you save a female if Kian asked you to? If it meant he would die?”

Nevyn’s eyes narrowed as well. “Yes. Don’t…How many males have you asked that already?”

“All of her husbands and me.” Alchan sounded annoyed. “She’s hoping someone will agree with her. I didn’t think she would be bold enough to ask you. I’m sorry.”

Mave didn’t like how Alchan felt the need to apologize. In fact, she felt like she was about to get another lashing.

“Kian fucking loved you, and I loved Kian. I needed him like I needed one of my damn arms. Did you know that he and I were each other’s first lovers? It was stupid kid shit, but he and I ended up with a friendship I would kill for. That I would die for.” He was growling at the end of that, walking closer to her. “So, if he asked me to save his daughter and let him die, I would tell him I loved him, then I would do everything in my power to get her home to her fucking mother. And I’d beat the shit out of that kid if she tried to disrespect his memory because he was an amazing male who deserves nothing more than her utmost respect and love.”

Mave sank.

“I’m sorry.”

“You fucking better be,” the warrior snarled. “Because I’m going to be the last male you ask, is that fucking clear?”


“I…” Nevyn stopped, looking as if he remembered something important. “Fuck me. I’m sorry. You had to hear him die. You bonded with him during the adoption, which means you probably felt it a little.”

She winced, remembering that sensation. If that was from the invisible bond of the formal adoption, she didn’t want to imagine the pain it would be like to lose a fully bonded male. It had been terrible.

Varon stepped in front of his husband and began to sign out of sight.

“That’s right…” Nevyn whispered. “You’re right, love. I should have remembered.”

“Remembered what?” Mave asked.

“You watched your mother die, too. You saw Kelsiana die,” he answered, his expression softening.

Mave looked away. “Yeah. It’s the only memory I really have of her.”

“Well, you have more with Kian,” Nevyn said gently, sitting on her free side. “Varon and I will tell you more stories, and so will Senri, and Willem, and Gentrin. And you’ll…you’ll help us tell the baby stories when the child is born. You forgot Kelsiana, and that’s okay because you were young. We’ve been telling you stories of her, and you’ll pass that forward. And you won’t forget him. Promise.”

She leaned on him. “Sorry for the stupid question.”

His weight leaned into her as well. “Sorry for the angry response.”

She shrugged, an awkward maneuver in her position.

“What did you need me for?” she asked, staring off into space.

“We wanted to check up on you. Varon wrote you something because he didn’t want to make you watch him sign for half the day.”

Varon snapped his fingers as if he just remembered, then produced a bundle of folded parchments, holding them out to her.

“Is this anything to do with Kristanya?” Mave asked, looking up.

Varon nodded then began to sign.

“And Kian. Everything I felt the need to say to you. Feel free to find me and ask questions.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, tucking the parchment into her top. “Thank you for thinking of me. I really appreciate it, and…I am…so sorry about Kian. I know you were both friends with him for so Copyright 2016 - 2024