The Champion's Ruin - Kristen Banet Page 0,130

for everyone to make their own plates, but he personally dished up for the old male and set the plate in front of him.

“Thank you for being my uncle, just as much as Mat’s,” Zayden whispered, hugging the male over his shoulder. “We’re going to miss you.” He tried to blink away the sudden tears. He never let anyone know how much Leshaun really meant to him. He had to be strong for Rain, but Rain didn’t need him now, and it let Zayden remember the important relationships he had missed as Rain grew up.

“I’m just moving away,” Leshaun huffed in annoyance, but when Zayden tried to pull his hand away, Leshaun took it in his own. “But I’ll miss you too, nephew of my heart. I watched you and Mat grow up. It’s been very interesting to see what you’ve both become without my guidance, and I can’t wait to see what you’ll do once we’re all free in our own lands again.”

“To freedom and family,” Mat declared, lifting a glass. People started to clap. Bryn brought out glasses and handed them out. “Everyone, get a drink, so this toast actually means something!”

That created laughter. Zayden grabbed Leshaun’s wine and poured him a glass.

“Tell me if you need me to protect it,” Zayden ordered. “It’s yours, and I won’t have anyone taking your favorite from you.”

“Thank you, but that’s why I brought it. I didn’t want to share with everyone.” Leshaun winked, revealing there was still something young in him, it just needed space to come out again, which he didn’t have in a village consumed by war.

“Well, I’ll let others have a taste once you’ve had your fill,” Zayden retorted. He didn’t want Leshaun to give away his prized bottle of wine from Kerit, so he tucked it deep in the storage room. When he came out, he pointed back to it. “Let me know when you want a refill.”

Leshaun lifted his full glass in thanks.

Once everyone had drinks, Mat raised his glass again.

“Okay, let’s do this right. I’ll say some words, then…Alchan? Would you like to say anything?”

“I would, thank you.” Alchan was lounging on a large cushion with Rain curled against his side.

“Then I’ll get on with it.” Mat cleared his throat as Zayden finally found his place to sit at the table. “Leshaun is a dedicated soul. Passionate and wise and knows what’s important. He taught me what’s important. Family. For centuries, he’s impressed on me the need to build a strong one that can bear the storm winds of our time and stand tall and strong like a mountain. Unbreakable, he said. A family should be unbreakable. It’s not a family otherwise. And that’s what he cultivated here. An unbreakable family that breaks through all boundaries. From the king,”—Mat inclined his head to Alchan—“to the lowest of grunts.” He pointed to himself. “Over the years, we’ve all changed, grown, and evolved, but one thing has remained true. We’re a family. And it’s thanks to you, uncle.”

Everyone cheered and took the first drink from their glass. Alchan stood up and sighed.

“How do I follow that?” he asked, looking around. “Mat was mostly right, but he got one thing wrong. You weren’t the lowest of grunts. You and Zayden were both the lowest of grunts.”

Zayden snorted, shaking his head as everyone laughed. It was true. When the War had ended the first time, he and Mat had been the most basic soldiers. Their addition to the Ivory Shadows had been a blessing they hadn’t truly earned yet. They required the most training once the Company knew what it wanted to do.

“But you are right about family. We are one, and it grows larger by the season.” He tilted his hand toward Senri, who ran a hand over her massive pregnancy belly. “We are more, too. We have traveled the world, going farther than many Andinna could ever dream. We’ve seen the shifting times and battled an endless foe. We are here today with no small part, thanks to Leshaun. It’s time you retire and live a quieter life, but as you go into your twilight years, remember none of this would have been possible without you. Our survival through the centuries has you to thank. The survival of many is thanks to you. You, who cultivated our spy network. You, who was brave enough to mimic a slave and enter Elliar to save Mat and Rain…and Mave. You, who reminded all of us to stay true Copyright 2016 - 2024