Champion of Fire & Ice - Megan Derr Page 0,25

behind the crown. "Then we've much to discuss, in the way of details, but I did want to go ahead and settle one matter for you, regarding the more intimate elements of our relationship."

"What matter is that?"

"I wanted to assure you that I would never expect you to sever your relationship with Sir Cimar. Aliara is my lover and beloved, and I would not part ways with her for any price. If that—" She faltered briefly, then rallied, "If that arrangement troubles you, then we can either part ways or both sever the romantic elements of our respective relationships. I would greatly prefer nobody have to do any such thing, if it's in our power to come to an arrangement much happier for all."

Davrin inhaled sharply. "I see. I think you're kind and generous, Your Highness, and I'd never dream of demanding you cease your relationship with Lady Aliara. I fear there is a misunderstanding here, though. Cimar and I are acquainted, and perhaps even friends after a fashion, but we've never been lovers."

Her brow furrowed, mouth turning down. "Really? But the way you two look at each other, the way he's stood for you as champion when he's turned away so many generous offers…"

"He never mentioned that," Davrin said softly. But of course Cimar wouldn't. He was in every way exactly what a knight should be. "I'll be frank, Highness—"

"I think you can use my name, under the circumstances," she said, lips twitching.

"Not unless you want to give the game away sooner than is safe."

She made a face. "Of course. That was foolish of me. But continue, please, my apologies."

"In all honesty, I wish Cimar was my lover. I've long thought of him in ways forbidden to me, but my duties and his marriage always kept me from making a fool of myself."

"I think too many rules are kept long after their purpose fades." She smiled, a hint of playfulness in it. "I also think you should perhaps be as honest with Sir Cimar as you are with me." Stepping in closer, she draped her arms around his neck. "You'll have husbandly duties to perform, my prince, but I trust you to know what you are about if you go seeking other beds when your presence isn't required in mine."

Davrin chuckled and slid an arm around her waist as she brushed a teasing kiss across his mouth. "If only all my duties were even half so pleasant. I'll be more than happy to serve, my queen." Which was true. Davrin was as attracted to women as he was men, and Korena was hardly a curse upon the eyes.

She did, in fact, feel rather nice pressed right up against him, nice enough that he'd make his feelings quite plain if she didn't step away soon.

"Well, that is one matter resolved, and rather easily," she replied.

"I'm generally only ever hard when and where it matters," Davrin replied, pleased when she laughed. "Was there anything else that required immediate discussion?"

"No, the rest is all details that can wait. I had simply wanted to reassure you that I wasn't expecting you to sever your relationship with Cimar and to tell you the truth of Aliara. I hope over time the four of us will come to a comfortable arrangement." Her eyes glittered. "Though first my fiancé must step up and acquire the lover."

"Not the strangest royal command I've ever been given, but certainly a close second."

She laughed again and took his arm when he offered, and they made their way from the garden.

"If I am to do as commanded, though, it would be better if his current marriage was severed once and for all." He related what little Cimar had told him of the matter, including King Rorlen's refusal to grant a severance.

"I'll take care of it," Korena replied, and sighed. "It's nice to occasionally have a problem with an easy solution."

As they reached the library, Aliara promptly cast aside her work, clearly not as absorbed in it as she'd seemed before. "Well?"

"Come here and kiss me, you fretful goose," Korena replied.

Aliara threw herself out of her chair and obeyed with enthusiasm. Davrin strove to behave honorably, and give them a moment, but it was damned difficult not to look his fill at a sight intoxicating enough people would surrender entire fortunes to enjoy it for mere minutes.

It also didn't take Korena telling him to see the two were deeply in love. But though Aliara was a suitable candidate in every other way, Copyright 2016 - 2024