Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,96

walk right up to it, totally unhindered. That’s new. Before, they’ve always been stopped by a whole lot of spidermonkeys.”

“So,” Mia says, “we can go there again?”

“That’s the way it looks.” Delyah shrugs. “It also looks as if the dragons have actually gone elsewhere. Probably spurred on by that explosion of yours, Brank’ox.”

“And if we can go to Bune, then we can probably go inside, too,” Jennifer adds. “And if we can go inside…”

“Then we can finally go back to Earth,” Delyah says. “Unless all the dragons are inside there, which I doubt.”

Jennifer smiles. “We can go home. Anytime we want!”

Delyah smiles tightly. “That’s the way it looks. We’ll know more in a few days. We’ll send someone to go inside Bune and secure it. And then, if nothing is wrong, the escape ship will be ready for us.”

“For those of us who want to go,” I say. “I’m not sure we all want that.”

“That’s right,” Delyah agrees. “I think some of us will stay. But that is a decision each woman must make on her own.”

We all go quiet. Some of us have already decided.

“What was that weird light down in Old Bune?” Heidi asks, breaking the silence. “Or did I miss something?”

“As far as I can tell, it’s just a light,” I tell her. “Some kind of pilot light, maybe. I guess we will never know. It’s not like we can ask the builders.”

After a while, I go inside the cave and pay my respects to Sophia and the newborn.

Then we all have a good dinner right after sunset, chatting happily. It’s a little bit of a victory celebration, not planned, but even better just for that reason. There’s a lot of laughter and slapping of backs.

Then, before the girls get drunk enough to start singing, I nudge Brank’ox. “You want to play a little music for us?”

He hesitates, but I can tell that he really wants to. He has a new harp now, one we’ve built together based on his old design and a couple of ideas from Earth. “It might bring them down.”

“Come on. Let them enjoy your talent.”

He gets up. “Very well.”

A minute later, he’s back with his new harp in his hands, with tighter strings and a resonance box that’s better integrated. This one can’t be taken apart, but it has a strap for carrying, and he has plans to make a leather case.

Brank’ox sits down, everyone watching the weird thing in his hands. The light from the fire flickers over his concentrated face.

Then he starts playing, like before, one string at a time. This harp is more in tune to my ears, and the strings can be tightened, but the sounds are still extremely alien and haunting.

Everyone listens and stares.

“Your husband is an actual rockstar,” Mia whispers. “The only one on the planet.”

I grin through proud, happy tears. “He’s one of a kind, all right.”

The unplanned party lasts until well after midnight, and finally Brank’ox and I walk back to the hut, arm in arm.

“This is a spectacularly good tribe,” he says. “I never thought it would be possible.”

“Best one on Xren,” I agree. “We have made it really great.”

“It even has a Dolly.”

“And a Brank’ox. What else do you need?” I stop and hold on to him with one hand, standing on one leg. “Wait.” I get an unpleasant pebble out from between my foot and the sole and hold it up. “More ammunition for the gun.”

He peers at it. “Is that the only way to find things to shoot from it?”

“No, but I think it’s the best way. These pebbles can kill anything, looks like. I’ll keep this, just like you said the first time.” I put it in my pocket.

“It did brink you luck.”

“It really did. It’s a blunderbuss, by the way.”

We walk on.

Brank’ox frowns. “A what?”

“The gun. The girls say it’s a blunderbuss. That’s what that kind of gun is called.”

He sighs. “That’s the hardest alien word yet. Bunblublus.”

“No need to learn that word yet,” I decide. “Ancient weapons are more of a topic for second level English. And it is very late at night.”

“I’m grateful for that,” he says and opens the door to the hut that’s now ours.

I will help build a new one for Jennifer, right next door. A friend like that, I want close.

I step inside and light two lamps. Then I go in close and embrace my husband. I’ve only been married for a little over a day, but I already know it was the best thing I’ve ever done.

“Marrying you was the best thing I’ve ever done,” I inform him.

He lifts me off the floor. “Indeed. I could say the same.”

“Then do it.”

He looks into my soul with his black eyes. “Marrying you was the best thing I’ve ever done. And the most pleasant, and the most improbable.”

I put my cheek to his chest and rub my face on him. “It did look bad for us for a while there. But here we are. It worked out fine.”

“Now all we need is for it to work out for the rest of our lives. I can’t wait.”

Familiar tingles are beginning down below. I slide the straps off my shoulders and drop the dress to the floor. “I think we should start right now.”

“I think you’re right,” he says, voice gruff with arousal.

I turn around and sashay naked over to the furs, then bend over with straight knees, pretending to arrange them.

He follows me and puts his hands on my bare hips. “I think it’s time for more exploration.”

I straighten up and grab his hard, pulsating alien cock. “Yeah. We’ll explore this totem pole and where it might possibly fit.”

“Let’s go to the Factory tomorrow,” Brank’ox says, laying me down on the furs. “I think the weather will be nice for days.”

“Let’s,” I agree, stretching and purring from sheer horniness. “Exploration is always better under the stars. But this is nice, too. And sometimes its better to explore something you already know.”

He spreads my legs and places himself between them. “I love you, Soapmaster.”

My alien caveman husband thrusts into me, smoothly filling me up.

“And I love you, Swordmaster,” I gasp. “Now show me how well you master me.”

© Calista Skye 2020

To be continued in Part 13.

Keep an eye out for the release date, title reveal and cover reveal at my Facebook page!

Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed Dolly's and Brank'ox's story!

I really liked writing Dolly. She’s smart without really knowing it, and everything she does, she does for someone else. If you have someone like that in your life, count yourself blessed.

Brank’ox is haunted by his failure from the previous two books, but the only person who doesn’t trust him is himself. He may be a Swordmaster, but he is also somewhat immature with his all-or-nothing attitude. He’s an easy target for the sly old Isualic, who keeps needling him exactly where it hurts the most. I don’t usually like to kill characters, but the evil Isualic really had it coming.

In this book, I wanted to take a good look at daily life in the village. It feels primitive, but wholesome in a way that I sometimes miss here on Earth. I think the girls have built a fine village, and I wonder how many of them will be willing to leave it and go back to Earth. They better make up their minds, because it looks like now they can.

It really is that easy to make gunpowder. Both saltpeter and sulfur is found in nature, and mixing them with charcoal creates a pretty good explosive that creates a lot of smoke. Water is often used in the final mix, just to get the fine powders to stick together. That’s counterintuitive to me, but I guess chemistry can be like that.

The black gunpowder Dolly makes is not much in use on Earth anymore, except in certain fireworks. The powder used in modern guns is a little bit different.

The Xren saga continues! The next book is all about Jennifer and a very interesting guy who is just the unconventional kind she likes.

To be the first to know when that book is ready, sign up for my newsletter!

And come hang out with us at my Facebook page!

Thanks again!


PS: Did you try my completed series of science fiction romance, called Fire Planet Warriors? If not, the first part is right here. Copyright 2016 - 2024