Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,93

course. And much more powerful, she says. It is a very fine thing, and it does have a trigger much like their crossbows. It was made on Earth by a man called Glock.”

“Really?” I reply, interested. “Perhaps, it can be used with Dolly’s gunpowder?”

“Apparently not. That gun needs some other kind of fuel, one that can’t be easily made. But for slaying dragons, it appears Dolly’s kind of gun works just fine. It’s remarkable how she was able to make that potent fuel from Big dung and a little bit of burned wood.”

“And pyrite,” I add. “Yes, she is marvelous. I count myself among the luckiest men on Xren. I see your wife is very large these days.”

He follows my gaze to the ground of women, where a round Sophia is taking part in the celebration while sitting down. “She is. There’s a baby inside her, ready to come out. Very soon, they say. But it will be easier than the first time, they assure me. And I hope it’s true, because last time she almost died.”

“Oh,” I exclaim, horrified. “Why? Did she not open right? Only the upper layer swung open?”

Jax’zan taps his lips thoughtfully. “It’s not like the Lifegivers in the tribes. Her belly won’t open completely and the baby simply taken out. It is… more difficult than that.” He goes pale with the thought.

“It is? How? Or is it a secret?”

“It’s not secret. All the women know it and the men only believe it when they see it happen to their wives. Perhaps it’s better if you ask Dolly about the details. They are quite gruesome. Excuse me, I have to…”

He hurries over to his wife and checks on her, our topic of conversation clearly a sensitive one.

I stick the sword on the inside of my belt, where the hilt will hold it up, then saunter over to my wife, feeling on top of the world. “My love.”

“And mine too,” she replies with a big smile. “Is your new sword to your liking?”

“It is. But there’s no gift for you.”

“Oh, there is. This whole party is the tribe’s gift to me. And it is a wonderful one.”

“It is,” I agree, eyeing the table that has been erected and decorated in the middle of the village. It’s the most ostentatious sight I’ve ever seen. “But no more than is appropriate for you.”

“For us,” she corrects me. “We’re married now. Oh, did you hear? The Bigs are much more active now. Nobody has seen a dragon for days.”

“I see. Do you think it worked?”

She shrugs with her thin shoulders. “Could be. We’ll know in a couple of days, I think. Brax’tan will send many patrols in every direction, specifically looking for them.”

“Ah. Hopefully he can also send a messenger to my old tribe and return the necklace. And tell Chief Benen’ax that I won’t be returning, after all.”

She smiles. “You made your decision?”

“I think that tribe is in good hands with him. And I can’t bear the thought of taking you away from your friends. I’ll stay here, be an ordinary tribesman, and remain the happiest warrior in the jungle, married to the smartest and sweetest woman on Xren. Truly, I’m making a great sacrifice.”

“I’ll try to make that sacrifice seem less great. Starting now.” She goes up on tiptoes and purses her lips, and I bend down to kiss her and fill my nose with her sweet scent.

“You used the soap,” I observe. “But it smells different now, somehow.”

“Yep. This is Jennifer’s brand. She made fifty pounds of it. Got it right the first time.”

I give her hair another sniff. “Because you showed her how.”

“Yeah, but still it’s not easy. She did very well. She even made a scent for warriors. It’s all pine needles and brine. It’s not done yet, though.”

“Pine and brine? Yes, that sounds wonderful. Exactly what any warrior would want.” I nod knowledgeably.

She squeezes my hand. “I know there are no pines here. Or much brine. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know all my alien words.”

“I know okay and brunch,” I inform her. “Does a man need more?”

Dolly laughs, a happy, bright sound that warms my heart. “I guess not. Actually, do you think it’s time for everyone to enjoy this extremely fancy brunch?”

“I see some of the men are looking at the dishes with great curiosity. The Swordmaster in me shudders to think what their table manners will be like. Some of their tribes are extremely backwards.”

“I think it will be fine. Copyright 2016 - 2024