Caveman Alien's Treasure - Calista Skye Page 0,7

his disheveled look makes him that much more scary.

I glance past him, towards the village. There's no movement anywhere.

“Who are you?” I manage, clutching my little knife and tensing up, ready to throw myself backwards.

“I am Isualic. Don't tell me your name. I will not remember it. I will simply call you 'little nymph'.”

I swallow, fear tugging at me. “What do you want?”

He runs one clawed, green hand across his lower face, as if thinking. “Oh, I have so many wants. I think the more appropriate question is, what can you offer me?”

I really have no reason to be afraid. The village is a stone's throw away. “You shouldn't be here. Kyandros and Aragadon are very close. And the slayer army. Leave now.” I try to sound confident and calm, but it doesn't quite work.

“Oh,” says the old dragon in mock surprise. “You have an army of your own? And famous dragons to protect you? Then where are they?”

Now that I think about it, I haven't actually seen Kyandros or Aragadon today. “They can be here anytime I want them to. If you don't leave me alone right now, I'll call for them.”

Isualic tilts his head to the side. “And you think they will hear? I ask because I happen to know where they are. They are all quite far away, playing games with their swords. But perhaps your voice reaches further than I think. Call for them now, let's see what happens.”

I slowly get to my feet, keeping my eyes on the dragon. He's standing right on top of my spear, so I can't reach it. Still, he doesn't radiate the terror that Troga did, nor the aura of total confidence and menace I always feel from Kyandros or Aragadon. He seems weak, somehow.

“You really have to leave. You don't want to get captured.”

“Little nymph, I don't think they heard that. Shall I call them for you? Very well.” He turns his head. “Help! Dragon! Isualic the Old is here!” He changes his voice to sound like that of a girl, bright and clear. He cups his hand behind one green, pointy ear and listens. “No reply. No crashing through foliage”

I start walking around him, in the direction of the village. “I'll just leave now.” I clench the knife, making sure he sees it.

He takes one unnaturally quick step to the side, blocking my way. “I insist that you answer my question.”

I'm still not panicking. Troga scared me much more than Isualic does. But he is starting to creep me out. “I have no answer for you. I have nothing to offer.”

“I was hoping you would simply offer some time to hear me out.”

I try to walk on, stepping around him. “I don't want to.”

Again, he places himself in my way, closer. He might be thin and somewhat frail-looking, but he towers over me and his red eyes have an evil glow in them. “Those who seek to kill someone should always listen to the victim's plea.”

I frown, staring past him towards the village. No movement still. Just trees. “What?”

“Your kind seeks to kill us dragons, to murder us all in cold blood. It is only reasonable that you listen to me before you execute me.”

“I don't want to execute anyone. Now let me pass.”

“But you do. Many dragons have died, all killed by you alien females or your tame slayers. While no dragon has killed any one of you. Surely, that must be called murder?”

I can’t pass him, the jungle is too dense. I may have to call for help. “All the dragons that died were killed in self-defense. Some cavemen were killed, too.”

“You can't be sure about that. Do you know how hard it is for a lesser being to kill a dragon? And yet, the slightest contact with your tribe seems to be deadly to every one of us.”

I put my hand on the trunk of a tall tree. If I suddenly bolt, I can get that between me and the dragon. “We're dangerous to those who don't leave us alone, that's true. But those who help us get rewarded.”

“Ah, like Kyandros and Aragadon, who were given a hoard and can mate with their willing females as long as they agree to be enslaved. Yes, I see.”

But there are many bushes, and they will slow me down. “They're not enslaved. They are our friends, helping us willingly.”

Isualic's eyes narrow into red slits. “You are raising an army specifically to kill us. You have captured two of Copyright 2016 - 2024